Monique Burkett, ’02

Image of Monique

Why did you decide to volunteer with С»ÆƬÊÓƵ after graduating? 

Volunteering has always been a huge part of my life. It has been something I have continued to be passionate about throughout my college years and after I graduated. Being asked to be on the National Alumni Board of Directors has truly been an honor. I have been so blessed to have met so many outstanding leaders in their respective fields. When I first heard about volunteering for KSU Alumni Day of Service at a National Alumnae Board of Directors meeting, I was already serving weekly as a supervisor at Father's Heart soup kitchen on the LES of Manhattan. I was excited to join two of my passions together to enable awareness and conversations surrounding both platforms.

What are your favorite memories at С»ÆƬÊÓƵ? 

Volunteering through various Student Ambassador opportunities, creating lifelong friendships and getting to show my work in the fashion shows every year.

What advice would you share with someone looking to volunteer with С»ÆƬÊÓƵ? 

Do it! KSU has so many amazing alumni from across the globe in almost every field that you can imagine. No matter where you volunteer, you are not only bound to meet a unique individual who you will have something in common with; but also, you will most likely learn something from them as well.