Five Ways to Relieve Stress During Finals Week

Our writing intern, Senior English Major Paige Schindler offered her tips to relieve stress during finals week:

We’ve all had at least one project that we completed at 3:00 AM and threw into Canvas despite not being completely sure the last paragraph is made of sentences humans can understand. This stress can be amplified during finals week, a week arguably more stressful than midterms.

For freshman, this might be a completely new experience. College might have taken you off guard in several ways. Maybe you weren’t used to teachers having such varying deadlines or the type of homework you are assigned doesn’t resemble high school assignments. Some sophomores, juniors, and even seniors might not have gotten used to the roller coaster ride that is finals week. Here are some super easy, stress relieving tips that won’t take up too much time during this important part of the semester.

1. Make comfort food.

Whether it's hot chocolate with peppermint and whipped cream, or warm green tea with honey, having something you enjoy accompany you during your tasks can be calming. It can be easy to make so it doesn’t take up too much of your time if you are really in a rush. Just taking a moment to make something you like can be rewarding, 

2. Block out a time slot to relax.

It can be hard to find time for yourself with projects on top of regular classes, extracurriculars and jobs.  Section out a portion of the day that isn’t too close to the deadline and dedicate that section to not thinking about the assignment. Pull up some videos, do the dishes or any other activity that isn’t that project for the hour-long duration.

3. Put on some music and take a quick walk.

Stretching out limbs and giving your mind a break is important if you’ve been working on something for a long stretch of time. Putting on headphones and walking to get food or going to the library can help you fit in some much-needed exercise and can clear your head. Music has also been proven to improve your mood. Not to mention just giving your eyes a break from the laptop screen can be alleviating.

4. Scream into a pillow.

I don’t think I need to explain this one. Its better to scream into a pillow than throw your laptop at the ceiling fan. Just let all the frustration out in one go.

5. Put a favorite movie or TV show on in the background.

Some people can’t work with background noise since it makes them lose concentration, but for others, having some extra noise can be calming. Put on something familiar that you know brings you comfort and won’t be too distracting. This is perfect for when you are doing repetitive work. It doesn’t even need to be a movie or show. Music or videos would work as well.

These are just some small tips to make a bright spot in a gloomy day. It might seem like the world is crashing down around you, and maybe it isn’t even finals week specifically that is stressing you out. Just remember that the time will pass no matter what happens, and you will be on the other side and set for winter break in no time.

Good luck on your finals!

POSTED: Wednesday, December 6, 2023 09:30 AM
Updated: Wednesday, December 6, 2023 09:55 AM
Paige Schindler