Doctoral Forum

Doctoral Forum offers a valuable opportunity for doctoral students from different programs to interact with each other, discuss topics of interest and attend breakout sessions or workshops to learn valuable skills. 

Dr. Stephen Mitchell

The С»ÆƬÊÓƵ EHHS Doctoral Student Forum grew out of class discussions among a small group of doctoral students in 2005. The group has offered fall and spring annual retreats and professional development sessions for doctoral students in the college since 2006. The main function of the group is to provide professional development for all doctoral students in the College of EHHS. The organization also strives to open communications among doctoral students, as well as to create a collaborative community to encourage doctoral students to work together, as well as with professors within the College.

Administrative oversight of the EHHS Doctoral Student Forum is provided by Dr. Steve Mitchell, Associate Dean for Administrative Affairs and Graduate Education.

Dean Mitchell is a full professor in the School of Teaching, Learning and Curriculum Studies, with research interests in curriculum development, research design and assessment. He can be contacted at smitchel@kent.edu or by phone at 330-672-0229, or by visiting his office in 407 White Hall.

Get Involved

At the Doctoral Forum Retreat, students can give a presentation, host a breakout session, become a panelist (or host a panel!) and volunteer at the registration state. We appreciate all ideas and creativity that will contribute to personal and professional growth for all!

Share Your Thoughts

Want to publish an article but unsure how to get started? Looking for guidance on finding a post-doctoral fellowship? Are you curious about what a comprehensive exam entails and how to prepare for it? We want to help! Share what you'd like to learn at the Doctoral Forum Retreat. Your need as a doctoral student and a scholar is important, and we want to hear about it.

Retreat Topics and Past Retreats

Previous retreats have covered a wide range of topics designed to support academic and professional growth, including strategies for navigating doctoral studies, intercultural academic life and post-doctoral fellowships. Check out our past topics and retreat information!

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