Interprofessional Leadership Ed.D.

  • 100% Online – You will never have to come to campus

    Program is 100% online

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    Can complete in 3 years

  • High Score

    No GRE required for admission

Offered 100% online, the Ed.D. in Interprofessional Leadership is cohort-based and structured with the working professional in mind.

Program Overview

The Doctor of Education degree in Interprofessional Leadership promotes the study of leadership from an interprofessional perspective. Our approach is framed around questions of equity, ethics, and social justice and focuses on developing solutions to complex problems of practice. The program prepares leaders who can construct and apply knowledge to make a positive difference in the lives of individuals, families, organizations, and communities. 

The Ed.D. degree in Interprofessional Leadership is cohort-based, starting in the summer term. Students apply to a concentration for specialized study.

Concentration Areas

Athletic Training

This concentration area provides graduate students the opportunity to prepare for the rigors of academic positions in a college or university by blending discipline specific theory and practice strategies related to athletic training education.  This degree program will provide the student an opportunity to gain extensive knowledge in higher education as a whole while developing critical skills necessary to establish a strong foundation in athletic training educational leadership. A comprehensive project directly related to athletic training education will allow the student to address a contemporary issue in the profession through purposeful research strategies to generate educational change within the discipline.

Learn more about the Athletic Training program

Cultural Foundations

This concentration area prepares students for leadership roles in educational settings seeking to address problems of practice that reflect broad societal problems and thus defy simple solutions. Immersion in the literature of the field of social foundations of education will expose students to historical, sociological, anthropological and philosophical understandings that will enable them to contextualize problems of practice within and beyond their particular institutional setting. Students will develop facility with conceptual, critical and normative modes of analysis needed to unpack contemporary problems of practice and propose approaches to addressing them in ways that do justice to their complexity. This terminal degree program will appeal to students who are already grappling with these problems in institutional settings and to those who wish to prepare themselves for such roles.

Learn more about the Cultural Foundations program

Curriculum & Instruction

This concentration area prepares students to be curriculum leaders in their classrooms, schools and communities.  Students will attain the knowledge and skills necessary to identify, conceptualize and research important problems related to the practice of curriculum development, curriculum leadership and curriculum evaluation. Additionally, students will learn to develop, implement, and evaluate solutions that are informed by currently available theory and research in curriculum and instruction.  The Curriculum and Instruction cognate provides doctoral level training to anyone seeking to lead positive curricular change in classrooms, schools and communities.

Learn more about the Curriculum & Instruction program

Educational Technology

This concentration area aims to prepare leaders who are conversant in critical research, theories, and methods in educational technology to facilitate positive change in their professional settings. It is designed to help you advance your knowledge in educational technology research to implement educational technology initiatives in educational and business environments using research-informed and data-driven decisions.

Learn more about the Educational Technology program

Leadership in Educational Contexts

The Leadership in Educational Contexts concentration provides education in multidisciplinary perspectives on leadership throughout the range of educational contexts. The concentration prepares students to lead positive change through their work as ethical and social justice oriented scholarly practitioners. Concentration coursework focuses on advanced leadership theories and skills, as well as on sociocultural contexts of education organizations and systems. This concentration is appropriate for leaders and emerging leaders in higher education, PK-12 schooling, and other organizations in which non-formal, informal, and formal education takes place.

Special Education

This concentration area prepares students for leadership roles in improving the practice of special education (birth to adulthood).  Students will attain the knowledge and skills necessary to identify and conceptualize important problems related to the practice of special education, and to develop, implement, and evaluate solutions that are informed by the best available research and theory in special education and related disciplines.  The Special Education concentration provides doctoral level training to anyone seeking to lead positive change in how special education and related services are provided to learners with disabilities.

Learn more about the Special Education program

Scholarship Opportunities

There are various scholarship opportunities associated with the Ed.D. program in Interprofessional Leadership. New students are eligible for the Bowman Fellowship, which provides some funding toward tuition through the coursework phase of the program. Advanced students may apply for the Wilson Scholarship, which provides some funding toward the final year (dissertation phase) of the program.

Questions about scholarships? Please contact Dr. David Dees (ddees@kent.edu), program coordinator, for more information.

Ed.D. or Ph.D.?

Red badge that reads Carnegie Project on the Education Doctorate. CPED Consortium Member since 2010.