Dr. Jing Zhang
Dr. Jing Zhang is an Associate Professor of Human Development and Family Science at С»ÆƬÊÓƵ. She has developed a research agenda contributing to the understanding of critical sociocultural factors underlying the health and behavioral outcomes (e.g., substance use, psychological well-being, employment, education) of marginalized children and families. Her research also focuses on testing efficacy and investigating mechanisms of change of family interventions that mitigate the negative influence of contextual risk and foster positive family relationships and resilience.
- Health and behavioral outcomes of marginalized youth and families
- Contextual risk factors
- Family processes, parenting, parent-child relationships
- Preventions/interventions
- Advanced research methods (e.g., latent growth modeling, multilevel modeling, structural equation modeling, and group-based modeling for longitudinal clinical randomized trials)
Selected publications:
Yilmazer, T., Zhang, J., Chavez, L. J., Famelia, R., Feng, X., Ford, J., Kelleher, K., & Slesnick, N. (in press). Housing and supportive services for young mothers experiencing substance use disorder and homelessness: Cost-effectiveness analysis of a randomized trial. Journal of Substance Use and Addiction Treatment.
Zhang, J., Wu, Q., Feng, X., Ford, J., Famelia, R., & Slesnick, N. (2023). . Family Process. 00, 1–20.
Slesnick, N., Zhang, J., Feng, X., Mallory, A., Martin, J., Famelia, R., ... & Kelleher, K. (2023). Housing and supportive services for substance use and self-efficacy among young mothers experiencing homelessness: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 144, 108917.
Zhang, J., & Gonzales-Backen, M. A. (2023). . Advance online publication.
Zhang, J., Cheng, H. L., & Barrella, K. (2022). Longitudinal pathways to educational attainment and health of immigrant youth in young adulthood: A comparative analysis. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 31, 197-201.
Zhang, J., Wu, Q., & Slesnick, N. (2021). Social problem solving and suicidal ideation among homeless youth receiving a cognitive therapy intervention: A moderated mediation analysis. Behavior Therapy, 52, 552-563.
Zhang, J., & Slesnick, N. (2020). . Children and Youth Services Review. Advance online publication.
M.S. in Family, Youth, and Community Sciences, The University of Florida
B.S. in Economics, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law in China
Research Methods
- 2024 Featured Researcher, College of Education, Health & Human Services, С»ÆƬÊÓƵ University
- 2012 Vetra R. Mancini and Jay A. Mancini Research Prize, Center for Gerontology, Virginia Tech
- 2012 International Scholars Grant, College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences, Virginia Tech
- 2012 International Scholars Grant, College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences, Virginia Tech
- 2011 Alexander L. Meszaros NCFR Leadership Travel Award, Virginia Tech
- 2011 Human Development Departmental Research Grant, Virginia Tech
- 2010 Alexander L. Meszaros NCFR Leadership Travel Award, Virginia Tech
- 2006 Marilyn Little Scholarship for Female International Students, University of Florida
- 2006 Recipient of the Coca - Cola World Citizenship internship program, University of Florida