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What is the Instructional Resource Center?

POSTED: Aug. 16, 2021

What is the instructional resource center?

It’s your favorite spot in White Hall! 

During a typical (read: non-pandemic) semester, the Instructional Resource Center, or IRC, is bustling with EHHS students, faculty, and staff. Located in Room 221, the IRC features comfortable workspaces, a computer lab, and shelves (and shelves!) of books and resources. The pleasant atmosphere is enhanced by the sounds of copy machines and voices chattering about group projects, as well as the occasional scent of the laminating machine. 


Lounge chairs in the instructional resource center

The IRC is frequented by many patrons simply as a comfortable and convenient place to study between classes. Plenty of table space is available for students to work individually, or in groups. Need to hop on a computer to write a paper? We’ve got you covered with 17 Dell desktops and 5 Apple iMacs. Once you’re finished, you can print your documents using your Flashcard. You can also use the copy-printer to photocopy documents or scan them to your email. Color printing is available via credit card payment through the help of IRC staff.


In addition to being a study lounge, the IRC provides many essential resources for check out at no cost (AKA: FREE) to members of the College of EHHS.

Our library collection includes educational books (e.g., research-based topical books; test preparation books such as OAE and Praxis study guides) as well as pleasure reading options (e.g., children’s books and young adult literature). In addition to reading materials, the IRC also provides many technology items for checkout.

Technology items available for checkout to everyone include:

  • Chromebooks
  • Presentation remotes
  • Audio recorders
  • Video cameras
  • Web cameras
  • Headphones

Technology items available for checkout to faculty/staff only include:

  • Laptops (Dells and Macs)
  • Projectors
  • Video conferencing equipment (e.g., Meeting Owl 360 camera)

 Also available for checkout is our full collection of assessment kits and materials for approved programs only. These include:

  • Cognitive assessments (WJ-IV, WISC-V, KABC-2)
  • Instructional assessments (WJ-IV, WIAT-4, KTEA-3)
  • Reading assessments (TERA-3, GORT-5)
  • Mathematics assessments (TEMA-4, KeyMath-3)
  • Social-emotional assessments (BASC-3, Vineland, Conners-3, ASEBA/Achenbach, SEARS, SSIS)
  • Developmental assessments (DIAL-4; IED III)

 Other items available for check out to support teaching and learning include:

  • Poster tripods
  • Dry erase boards


Computers in the Instructional Resource Center


If you’re a student, you might be interested in our as you prepare for field placements, internships, or certification exams. Speaking of exams, let our team of peer tutors explain concepts and help you ace them by . Other services we provide include laminating, document binding, poster printing, and Educational Teacher Performance Assessment (edTPA) support for teacher candidates.

If you’re a faculty or staff member, our scheduling services might interest you. Stop in and book a conference room or computer lab. Computer labs all booked? You’re in luck! We have mobile technology carts that can be conveniently delivered and picked up from your classroom - just let us know when! You can choose from a Dell laptop cart, Macbook cart, iPad cart, or an assistive technology cart. We also have a Shred-it box to dispose of your confidential documents.

Learning Innovations Lab

Lastly, if you are interested in STEM education, our Learning Innovations Lab is for you! This lab is equipped with technology commonly found in K-12 makerspaces, and much more:

  • Dremmel 3D printer
  • VR headsets
  • Merge Cubes
  • Ozobots
  • Raspberry Pi
  • Makerspace kits
  • Cricut Maker

To schedule a class demo, email the IRC at ircehhs@kent.edu.

The IRC is here to support all of your learning needs. We welcome you to take advantage of the many resources and services we provide. Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for important updates and events. You might even just win a cool prize! We look forward to connecting with you this academic year!

Follow us on social media!




Blog post written by IRC Manager Dr. Julee Henry and IRC Graduate Assistant Angela Cappuzzello

