Catherine Wing
Catherine Wing is the author of two collections of poetry, most recently Gin & Bleach, which won the Linda Bruckheimer Series in Kentucky Literature and was published by Sarabande Books in 2012. Her first book of poems, Enter Invisible (Sarabande), was nominated for a 2005 Los Angeles Times Book Prize. Her poems have appeared in such journals as Poetry, The Nation, and The New Republic, as well as featured on The Writer's Almanac, and included in Best American Erotic Poems, and Best American Poetry 2010. She has won fellowships and residencies from Yaddo, the MacDowell Colony, and the Sewanee Writers’ Conference.
She serves as the general editor for the Wick Poetry Center’s Ohio Chapbook Series and is a current member of their advisory board.
- Gin & Bleach. Sarabande Books, July 2012
- Enter Invisible. Sarabande Books, October 2005
Recent Poems
- "Yes, Indeed!" Pleiades: A Journal of New Writing. Forthcoming Spring 2015
- "The Green Darner" and "Black Rush." 32 Poems. Forthcoming Fall 2014
- "Sniff." The Book of Scented Things: 100 Contemporary Poems С»ÆƬÊÓƵ Perfume. Eds. Jehanne Dubrow and Lindsay Lusby. Literary House Press. 2014
- "Blown Thought." Modern Language Studies, v. 41.2, Winter 2012
- "Self-Medication." Poetry Northwest Web Exclusive, August 1, 2012
- "Vitreous Humor." Poetry Northwest, v. 7.1, Spring/Summer 2012
- "The Brain Truck." The Kenyon Review Online, v. 4.2, Spring 2011
- "The Chiefest Word." The Nation, November 1, 2010
- "The Darker Sooner." The Best American Poetry 2010. Ed. Amy Gerstler. Scribner. 2010
- "Eye-Fucked." The Best American Erotic Poems: 1800 to the Present. Ed. David Lehman. Scribner. 2008
- "Paradise-Un." The Bedford Introduction to Literature, 8th Edition. Ed. Michael Meyer. Bedford/St. Martin's. 2007
Research Ideas
- Poetic Form (Traditional to Experimental
- Interdisciplinary Arts: Literature and Science
- Neuro-linguistics and Language Origins
- Relationships of Emotion, Tone, and Syntax in Poetry
- Associated Writing Programs