Joseph D. Ortiz
Earth Sciences
Professor & Chair
With training in Aquatic Biology and Oceanography, I am a broadly trained Environmental Scientist who views environmental and societal problems from an earth system science perspective. I work at the interface between sciences unraveling climate mysteries, exploring the relationship between sedimentary strata, helping to improve water quality using electromagnetic sensing techniques, and exploring renewable energy and sustainability solutions to address anthropogenic climate change.
I make use of research methods that span disciplines. I study sedimentary records to extract climate-related information on seasonal to glacial-interglacial time scales. I employ diverse methods ranging from marine micropaleontology to light isotope geochemistry and core and well logging to decipher Earth's climate record. I make use of environmental remote sensing to study harmful algal blooms and agricultural remote sensing methods to monitor soil carbon content and evaluate the impacts of various farming practices.
- Lard, M., Eichler, S., Gao, P., Singh, K., Ortiz, J., Cook, R., Cormier, S. Richmond-Bryant, J., Soil Contamination by Environmentally Persistent Free Radicals and Dioxins Following Train Derailment in East Palestine, OH, Journal of Hazardous Materials, i
- Mihindukulasooriya, L.N, Mabry, B.S., Campbell, A.G., Slocum M., and Ortiz, J.D, (2023), Visible Derivative Spectroscopic Monitoring of the Old Woman Creek National Estuary during a Historically Dry Year and a Wet Year, American Journal of Environmental S
- Mukusha, L., Miller, ...Ortiz, J.D., et. al., (2024), Hit or miss: Do microscopic linear impact traces (MLITs) form on Clovis stone tips launched via atlatl into foliage and sediment?, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 55 (2024) 104517
- Alfaro-Mejia, E., Manian, V., Ortiz, J.D., and Tokars, R. (2023), A blind convolutional deep autoencoder for spectral unmixing of hyperspectral images over waterbodies, Front. Earth Sci.
- Ratnayake, K.M, Clotts, R., Barrera, E.C., Saylor, B.Z., Ortiz, J.D. (2023), A pre-bomb radiocarbon freshwater reservoir correction for the Laurentian Great Lakes, Journal of Paleolimnology
- Chaabane, S. de Garidel, T. et. al., Ortiz J.D.; (2023), The FORCIS database: A global census of planktonic Foraminifera from ocean waters, Scientific Data 10:354
- Ali KA, Flanagan DC, Brandt ME, Ortiz J.D., and Smith TB (2023), Semi-analytical inversion modelling of Chlorophyll a variability in the U.S. Virgin Islands. Front. Remote Sens. 4:1172819. doi: 10.3389/frsen.2023.1172819.
- Pan, H.J., and Ortiz, J.D., Assessing the accuracy of biogenic content estimation from visable derivate spectroscopy of sedent cores from the western Pacific, Lithosphere, 2022, article ID 8587468
- Recker, A., Mulvey, B., and Ortiz, J.D. What is happening to our water? Science & Children, March/April, 44-49, 2022.
- Lewis, A.R., Simone, D., Williams, J., Erin, M.I., and Ortiz, J.D., Using visible derivative spectroscopy to assess flaked projectile point provenance: application and preliminary analysis of the Welling Site, Ohio, U.S.A., Archeometry, in press.
- American Geophysical Union (AGU)
- Oceanography Society (TOS)
- Geological Society of America (GSA)
- Sigma Xi (Scientific research honor society)
- American Quaternary Association (AMQUA)
- National Association of Geoscience Teachers (NAGT)
- Northern Ohio Geological Society (NOGS)