Student Awards

James A. Rinier Scholarship in Geography - 13901

This fund provides scholarship support to full-time undergraduate students who are Geography majors with junior or senior standing.  The student must have a GPA of 3.5 in their major and 3.0 overall.

Ann and Louis E. Novak Sr. Memorial Scholarship in Geography -13903

This fund supports a scholarship for a student majoring in Geography with junior standing and above (including graduate students), and with at least a 3.0 GPA.

Alexander von Humboldt Study Away/Abroad Fund - 13906

This fund supports expenses related to study abroad and study away experiences.

Gregory and Michelle Ina Environmental Studies Fund - 13904

This fund supports the multi-disciplinary Environmental Studies Program housed within the Department of Geography.  Funds may be used for undergraduate research grants, undergraduate student awards, and student travel to conferences.