Richard E. Adams
Department of Sociology and Criminology
Office Location:
204 Merrill Hall
2018 Distinguished Honors Faculty Award
Only one award is given each year. This award recognizes excellence in Honors teaching, based upon years of service, advising of independent work, and a proven record of strong teaching performance.
Teaching and Research Interests:
- Mental Health or Illness
- Community/Neighborhoods
- Positive Youth Development
- Disasters
Key Presentations:
- Jones, Adrian, Richard E. Adams, Allyson Drinkard. 2021. Operationalization and Evaluation of Developmental Assets: Examining the Influence of Developmental Assets on Substance Use. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Chicago, November 17-20
- Jones, Adrian and Richard E. Adams. 2019. Adolescent Thriving and Positive Youth Development: Assessing the Influence of Developmental Assets on Health and Substance Use Outcomes, Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, San Francisco, November 13-16.
- Adams, Richard E. 2019. Emotion Management, Compassion Fatigue, Stress Process Model, and Wellbeing among Healthcare Providers. Biannual Meeting of the International Society for Research on Emotions, Amsterdam, Netherlands, July 10-14.
- Adams, Richard E., Urosevich, Thomas G., Hoffman Stuart N., Kirchner, H. Lester, Hyacinthe, Johanna C., Figley, Charles R., and Boscarino, Joseph A. 2017. Social support and coping resources, mental health problems, and treatment seeking among veterans in non-VA facilities: Results from the Veterans’ Health Study. Annual Meeting of the Eastern Sociological Society, Philadelphia, PA, February 23-26.
- Jones, Adrian and Richard E. Adams. 2016. An examination of the effects of individual and neighborhood characteristics on smoking and drinking: A longitudinal analysis. Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, Seattle, WA. August, 19-21.
- Drinkard, Allyson, Christopher Schell, and Richard E. Adams. 2016. Exposure to violence and adolescent well-being. Annual meeting of the North Central Sociological Association, Chicago, IL, March 23-26.
- Jones, Adrian and Richard E. Adams. 2015. Neighborhood Context, Deviant Peers, Self-Control, and Substance Use: A Multi-Wave Analysis. Annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Washington, D.C., November 18-21.
- Mental Health Disorders, Suicide Risk, and Treatment-Seeking Among Formerly Deployed National Guard and Reserve Service Members Seen in Non-VA Facilities (9/1/2015-8/31/2018, awarded $25,500). This grant was awarded to me as a subcontract and is part of a larger three-year study conducted by Joseph A. Boscarino at Geisinger Medical Center. Role: Subaward Principle Investigator.
- Development and Validation of the Medic Mettle Scale (7/01/2012-6/30/2013, awarded $19,000 ($13,000 direct and $6,000 indirect from Tulane University, but originally from the Department of Defense). This grant was awarded to me for conducting analyses and developing a Medic Mettle Scale using data collected on about 100 medics. Role: PI. Final report sent 7/2013.
- Department of Sociology Institutional Review Board (2009-2018)
- Department of Sociology Graduate Education Committee (2007-2011)
- Editor ASA Mental Health Section Newsletter (2013-2019)
Ph.D. Indiana University, Bloomington, 1989
M.A. The Catholic University of America, 1982
B.A., California State University at Long Beach, 1979
M.A. The Catholic University of America, 1982
B.A., California State University at Long Beach, 1979
- Boscarino, JA. RE Adams, TJ Wingate, JJ Boscarino, TG Urosevich, SN Hoffman, HL Kirchner, & CR Figley. 2022. Impact and risk of moral injury among deployed veterans: Implication for veterans and mental health. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 13(Article 899084)
- Adams, Richard E., Natalie Bonfine, and Christian Ritter. 2020. Childhood adversity, proximal stressors, and PTSD among people with severe mental illness: An exploratory study. Community Mental Health Journal, 56: 1557-1565.
- Chopko, Brian A., Patrick A. Palmieri, and Richard E. Adams 2019. Posttraumatic growth in relation to the frequency and severity of traumatic experiences among police officers in small to midsize department. Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
- Drinkard, Allyson M., Nicolle Estevez, and Richard E. Adams. 2017. Social development assets and law-abidingness among urban adolescents: Implications for positive youth development. Journal of Community Psychology, 45, 363-379.
- Adams, RE., C. Ritter, & N. Bonfine. 2015. Epidemiology of trauma: Childhood adversities, neighborhood problems, discrimination, chronic strains, life events, and daily hassles among people with a severe mental illness. Psychiatry Research, 230: 609-616.
- Chopko, Brian A., Patrick A. Palmieri, Richard E. Adams. 2015. Critical Incident History Questionnaire Replication: Frequency and Severity of Trauma Exposure among Officers from Small and Mid-Size Police Agencies. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 28: 157-16
- Adams, Richard E. and Joseph A. Boscarino. 2015. Volunteerism and well-being in the context of the World Trade Center Terrorist Attacks. International Journal of Emergency Mental Health and Human Resiliency, 17: 274-282.
- Adams, Richard E., Lin T. Guey, Semyon F. Gluzman, and Evelyn Bromet. 2011. Psychological well-being and risk perceptions of mothers in Kyiv Ukraine, 19 years after the Chornobyl Disaster. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 57: 637-645.