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Administrative policy on campus emergencies, safety and security and related technologies

  1. Policy statement. The purpose of the policy is to prepare the university to effectively plan for, respond to, and recover from a major emergency and to delegate the coordination of emergency management and public safety initiatives on all university campuses and locations through the director of public safety.
  2. Authority. This policy is promulgated pursuant to the authority granted to the board of trustees in sections 3341.04, 3345.21 and 3345.26 of the Revised Code, as amended, and as directed by the board in paragraph (B)(1) of rule 3342-5-14 of the Administrative Code.
  3. Definitions. 
    1. Emergency. An emergency is an event or condition that presents an imminent risk of death, serious injury, or illness to the university community, suspension or significant disruption of university operations, significant physical or environmental damage, or significantly threatens the university's financial well-being.
    2. Public safety initiative.  A public safety initiative is any action or act related to the protection, safety, and security of employees, students and the general public.
    3. Emergency management plan. The emergency management plan is the university's strategy to prepare for, mitigate, respond to, and recover from actual or potential emergencies.
    4. Emergency response plan. Emergency response plans are the internal, facility or department plans that prescribes the changes in functional responsibilities and operations of a facility or department during an emergency.
  4. Implementation.
    1. The senior vice president for finance and administration, through delegation from the president, directs the director of public safety to develop, maintain, and review the emergency management plan encompassing all university campuses and locations. The plan shall include, at a minimum, provisions for the following:
      1. The common goal to maximize human safety and survival, minimize danger, preserve and protect property and critical infrastructure, provide for responsible communication with the university community and the public during and after an emergency, and restore normal activities;
      2. The utilization of university resources and processes to prevent or otherwise mitigate potential emergencies;
      3. The establishment of an emergency response team at each campus responsible for assisting with emergency planning and response;
      4. Collaboration with local emergency management partners;
      5. An effective means of public emergency notification at the campus level;
      6. Facility and department-level emergency response plans; and
      7. Adoption of the national incident management system.
    2. The director of public safety is responsible for all public safety initiatives related to safety, security and emergency management, including creating, revising, and assisting in the implementation of policy and procedures, standards of associated technologies, and employment descriptions for public safety personnel, at all university campuses and locations.
    3. University personnel at each campus and location will cooperate with the director of public safety in creating, revising and implementing emergency plans and public safety initiatives.  This includes, but is not limited to, cooperation in complying with all state and federal laws and regulations related to safety and security.
Policy Effective Date:
Jun 03, 2019
Policy Prior Effective Dates: 
07/04/2008, 03/01/2015