6 - 04.4

Administrative policy regarding volunteers

  1. Policy statement. Individuals who volunteer their time and expertise to the university provide an important service and help further the mission of teaching, research and public service.  In turn, volunteers gain valuable experiences and a sense of personal satisfaction.  This policy is intended to help promote a productive, safe and mutually beneficial environment for volunteers and for the university by setting appropriate expectations and clarifying roles and responsibilities.
  2. Eligibility. This policy shall apply to all campuses, divisions, colleges, schools, departments, offices, whether academic or administrative for all volunteer opportunities on university property or associated with official university functions.
  3. Definition.
    1. For the purposes of this policy, a volunteer shall be an individual: 
      1. That freely offers without pressure or coercion, direct or implied, to volunteer their services directly to the university, whether on an ad hoc basis or through a formal volunteer program conducted by a university department; and
      2. That does not receive, nor has an expectation to receive, monetary or material compensation or any form of remuneration or benefit in exchange for such services.
    2. For the purposes of this policy, a research volunteer shall be a volunteer who participates in the conduct of research/scholarship/creative activities (e.g. research assistants) in accordance with this policy. Research volunteers include both non-KSU students and KSU student volunteers who are not receiving payment or course credit to participate in the conduct of research/scholarship/creative activities.
    3. Exclusions.
      1. This policy shall not apply to volunteers who are affiliated with and provide services on behalf of external third-party service agencies or service organizations, as well as any nonprofit organizations dedicated to providing fundraising, public outreach and other support services to the university.
      2. This policy shall not apply to student internships or practicums conducted at the university for credit or through an executed affiliation agreement between the university and a third party.
  4. Implementation.
    1. The "coordinating department" refers to the university department responsible for monitoring, supervising or otherwise organizing the volunteer opportunity and is responsible for all activities of the volunteer.
    2. Permitted use. The use of volunteers in the performance of volunteer services for the university shall be at the sole discretion of the coordinating department. 
    3. Prohibited use. The use of volunteers shall not replace or otherwise supplement work performed by other university employees or those duties normally associated with paid positions of the university. 
    4. Limited duration. Volunteers shall not be engaged for more than twenty hours per week. Volunteers shall be engaged for a period of limited duration and shall not be used for long-term assignments.
    5. Not employment. Services provided by volunteers shall not be considered employment and are subject to the following limitations:
      1. Service under this policy shall not create any entitlement, right or privilege on the part of any volunteer to continue providing such services for the university in the future.
      2. Volunteers are not eligible for any university benefits including, but not limited to, sick leave, retirement or insurance benefits.
      3. Current university employees shall not volunteer in the same capacity as their regular duties or perform the same type of services they perform as an employee.
      4. Volunteers shall not be monetarily or materially compensated for any services provided and shall not incur any reimbursable expenses during the course of the volunteer opportunity.
    6. The coordinating department must retain in a central location any records created during the above procedures, as well as copies of any supporting documentation, for a period of three years from the date the relationship with the volunteer ends, or in accordance with the university retention schedules where applicable.
  5. Procedure.
    1. Appointment. The following preliminary actions must be completed prior to performing any volunteer services for the university:
      1. The coordinating department is responsible for ensuring that volunteers have adequate experience, qualifications and training for the tasks he/she will perform.
      2. Volunteers must complete the "Volunteer Assignment Form and Release" and return such to the coordinating department. Research volunteers must complete "Research Volunteer Assignment Form and Release" and return such to the coordinating department.
      3. Volunteers who perform sensitive tasks, such as the care and security of children, shall be required to submit to, and pass, a BCI criminal background check in accordance with section 121.401 of the Revised Code prior to performing such duties, and other such requirements as may be in place by the university. 
        1. The volunteer is responsible for any costs associated with this test.
        2. The results of such tests must be returned to and verified by the coordinating department.
        3. The volunteer assignment shall not begin until the volunteer has passed all checks required under this policy.
      4. Volunteers who will participate in programs or opportunities involving minors must adhere to the requirements in the university's minors on campus policy.
      5. Where appropriate, volunteers must sign a confidentiality agreement with the university. The confidentiality agreement must be kept on file with the coordinating department in accordance with university retention schedules.
      6. Individuals under the age of eighteen need the permission of their parents or legal guardians before they may provide services as a volunteer. Such permission must be kept on file with the coordinating department in accordance with university retention schedules.
      7. Any and all, new or continuing, appointments to a volunteer opportunity must have the final approval of the vice president, dean, or designee prior to the commencement of such opportunity.
      8. Notwithstanding the paragraph (E)(1)(g) of this rule, research volunteer appointments must have final approval of a department chair prior to commencement of a research volunteer opportunity.
    2. Termination.
      1. Volunteer services are provided at the pleasure of both parties and may be terminated without prior notice by either party.
      2. If the coordinating department terminates the volunteer opportunity, such coordinating department is responsible for providing notice to the volunteer and such notice shall be kept with the original volunteer assignment form and release.
      3. If the volunteer terminates the volunteer opportunity, such coordinating department must keep a record of such notice along with the original volunteer assignment form and release.
  6. Restrictions.
    1. Volunteers shall not supervise a staff member, including student employees, or other volunteers. 
    2. Volunteers shall not handle cash or other commercial transactions for the university. Notwithstanding the preceding, research volunteers are permitted to handle payments to research participants.
    3. Individuals performing service as volunteers may require access to equipment, facilities and information necessary for that service. This access will be subject to the following restrictions:
      1. Volunteers shall neither be granted access to university email, university financial accounts or funds, or university systems such as the university payroll, purchasing, or student systems, nor shall they be given the authority to commit university funds and/or enter into a contract on behalf of the university.
      2. Volunteers shall not be granted access to confidential university information, including but not limited to, student or employee medical records. Notwithstanding the preceding, research volunteers may receive confidential and/or protected data in accordance with applicable law and an IRB-approved research study.
      3. Volunteers shall not be issued keys, swipe card, fobs or other means used to gain access to buildings or offices. Notwithstanding the preceding, research volunteers may be provided access to building and laboratories/studios as necessary for conduct of the research/scholarship/creative activity.
      4. Volunteers shall not be issued access codes to buildings or offices. Notwithstanding the preceding, research volunteers may be provided access codes as necessary for conduct of the research/scholarship/creative activity.
      5. Volunteers shall not operate university vehicles. 
      6. Volunteers shall not operate heavy equipment.    
      7. Volunteers shall not have access to, use, otherwise have contact with or voluntarily become exposed to hazardous substances, dangerous equipment or material (including but not limited to contact with blood products or serums) without prior approval by the appropriate vice president of the division under which the volunteer opportunity resides. Research volunteers may contact such substances in the normal conduct of a research project.


Research Volunteer Assignment Form and Release

Policy Effective Date:
Mar 01, 2021
Policy Prior Effective Dates: 
12/01/2013, 03/10/2015