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Bylaws of the board of trustees of 小黄片视频

  1. Purpose. These bylaws, including additions or amendments, outline the major policies prescriptive to the board.
  2. Ohio board of regents. Except as expressly provided in Chapter 3333. of the Revised Code, establishing the Ohio board of regents, nothing in such chapter shall be construed to deprive the board of the duties and powers conferred upon it by the law in the government of the university.
  3. Statement on equal opportunity. The board is dedicated to and will provide for equal education and employment opportunities at the university. Further, the full and equal integration of all, regardless of race, religion, national origin, sex, age, or disability, is a principle to which this university is committed.
  4. Legal advisor. The attorney general of the state of Ohio shall be the legal advisor of the board and shall institute and prosecute all suits in its behalf.
  5. Major position vacancies. When the position of an administrative officer, dean, department chairman, or director of a major instructional area becomes vacant, and it is determined that the position shall be continued, a replacement will be selected through established procedures within one year from the first day of vacancy. Failing this selection, the board will name a replacement, following a required recommendation from the president. Such designation by the board will be made no later than its second meeting after completion of the year of vacancy.
  6. Fixing salaries. The selection, classification and wage scales of all personnel not otherwise under contract to the board shall follow the provisions of Chapter 124. of the Revised Code insofar as these provisions apply to the university procedures.
  7. University facilities.
    1. Construction and maintenance. All proposals submitted by the president for the construction of new buildings, the remodeling of older structures and the purchase of new properties shall be reviewed by and be subject to the approval of the board.
    2. Designation of name. University buildings, other structures of a permanent nature, roads and other specific areas which are to be known by particular designation shall be named by the board.
    3. Public use. The use of university facilities shall be governed by such rules and regulations as may be promulgated by the board.
  8. Degrees and certificates.
    1. Degrees and certificates shall be awarded by the board upon recommendation of the university faculties transmitted to the board by the president. All diplomas issued to those receiving degrees from the university shall bear the names of the chairman, the dean of the appropriate college, and the president.
    2. On the recommendation of the faculty, the board may confer such honorary and academic degrees as are customarily conferred by colleges and universities in the United States.
  9. Emeritus status for trustees. A member of the board who has served in that capacity at least two years, and who has performed beyond the regular call of duty, will on termination of his or her membership become an emeritus trustee with all the rights and privileges pertaining thereto.
  10. Gifts. The board, for and in behalf of the university, may accept gifts of money, real and personal property and shall administer same according to law.
  11. Amendments to bylaws. These bylaws may be altered, amended or repealed at any meeting of the board pursuant to the procedures as set forth in the constitution for the consideration of business and section 111.15 of the Revised Code.
Policy Effective Date:
Mar 01, 2015
Policy Prior Effective Dates: 
11/4/1977, 10/5/1979, 10/26/1979, 12/20/2004