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Graduate student senate charter

  1. The name of the organization shall be the "Graduate Student Senate" of Kent state university, and for the purpose of this rule will be referred to as the GSS.
  2. University sanction. The GSS shall operate in compliance with all university regulations and will observe the policies set forth in paragraph (G)(5) of rule 3342-2-01 of the Administrative Code.
  3. Purpose.
    1. The GSS shall:
      1. Operate in compliance with its charter and bylaws;
      2. Allocate the funds it receives from the university in compliance with university funding policies and the funding policies of the GSS as set forth in this document;
      3. Provide a channel for communication among graduate students, the university, and the local, state, and national communities;
      4. Serve graduate students and represent their interests in the university and the local, state, and national communities;
      5. Promote understanding and intellectual stimulation among graduate students, Kent state university, and the community at large;
      6. Facilitate collaboration with other representative student groups;
      7. Advise Kent state university administration, the graduate schools and graduate policy councils on matters of graduate student concern.
    2. The GSS shall endeavor at all times to:
      1. Advocate for graduate students in academic and extracurricular matters;
      2. Promote the quality in graduate education; and
      3. Secure the rights and privileges of graduate students as members of Kent state university and the community at large.
  4. Membership. Members of the GSS shall be graduate students, selected/elected by graduate students (on a departmental basis).
    1. The number of representatives to the GSS from each academic department, school, or college will be determined yearly on the basis of the enrollment and guidelines to be set in GSS bylaws.
    2. Each graduate college/school within the Kent state university shall provide a process for the election of voting representatives and alternates.
    3. Each representative and alternate will be elected by a majority of those students from the academic unit, department, program, or a group of selected programs as determined in advance.
    4. Election of representatives and alternates shall take place annually.
    5. Representatives or alternates serve for one twelve month period and may be reelected.
    6. Recall of a representative shall be the responsibility of the students from the academic unit, department, program, or group of programs that elected the representative.
    7. When the representative is absent from a meeting, the alternate assumes the vacant position until the representative returns.
    8. A representative who has two consecutive absences from the GSS meetings can be removed from the GSS, unless an alternate is present in the representative's place. The executive shall govern the removal of a representative and determine whether the absences were excusable. All GSS vacancies arising from absences shall be filled by the affected academic unit, department, program, or group of programs within three weeks of notification of the removal.
    9. Should a representative resign, the alternate shall immediately become the representative and an alternate shall be elected from the academic unit, department, program, or group of programs to complete the remainder of the term.
    10. The duly designated and alternate representative of any graduate student organization shall be entitled to all privileges of the floor at the meetings of the GSS. The alternate shall be eligible to vote only in the absence of the designated representative.
  5. Officers. The executive vice-chair, information services chair, finance chair, colloquium chair and executive chair of the GSS shall be elected at the second to the last regularly scheduled meeting of the spring semester of each year. In order to promote continuity, a smooth transition and understanding of functions, the previous committee chair will become the executive chair and the previous executive chair will become the colloquium chair. An elected officer shall officially assume his or her duties at the last scheduled GSS meeting of the spring semester. Vacancies shall be filled at this meeting.
    1. The executive committee of the GSS shall consist of the executive chair, colloquium chair, executive vice-chair, finance chair, information services chair and any and all ex-officio members.
      1. The executive committee shall conduct business of the GSS between meetings and prepare the agenda for these general meetings.
      2. All decisions affecting funding shall originate in the executive committee. Any action taken by the executive committee shall be subject to appeal and possible revision by the full membership of GSS. Appeal procedures shall fall under new business at the next regular general meeting of the GSS.
      3. Should an elected office become vacant, the executive committee may appoint on interim until a special election can be held to choose a person to complete the term of office. The special election shall take place on or before the second regularly scheduled meeting of the GSS after the office is vacated.
      4. The executive committee shall report on all actions taken by the executive committee at the GSS general meeting. In all matters, the GSS as a whole retains the right to approve, overrule, or amend any decision of the executive committee by a quorum majority.
      5. Former members of the executive committee shall be entitled to sit as "ex officio" and nonvoting members of the executive committee as long as they shall maintain the status of graduate students at Kent state university.
    2. The executive chair of the GSS shall preside at all meetings of the GSS.
      1. The executive chair shall be the official spokesperson and representative of GSS to the administration of Kent state university.
      2. When acting for or representing the GSS in any official capacity, the executive chair and all the other officers of the GSS shall consider themselves bound by all decisions of the GSS and the executive committee.
      3. The executive chair shall act as the official delegate to any state, regional or national convention involving graduate students.
      4. The executive chair shall schedule and preside over all meetings of the executive committee.
    3. The executive vice-chair of GSS shall assume all of the duties of the executive chair in the absence of the executive chair.
      1. Should the position of executive chair become permanently vacant for any reason, the executive vice-chair shall become the executive chair in name and fact, and a new executive vice-chair shall be elected from GSS.
      2. The executive vice-chair shall be responsible for filling all Kent state university-wide committee appointments made by GSS.
      3. The executive vice-chair shall act as the official liaison of the GSS with the faculty senate.
    4. The finance chair shall be responsible for the execution of the financial obligations of the GSS, in accordance with Kent state university policies and procedures.
      1. The finance chair shall be authorized to disperse funds for executive committee officers' claims for reimbursement from the treasury, not to exceed a limit as established by the GSS without formal executive committee approval.
      2. The finance chair shall be authorized to disperse funds in accordance with the GSS travel policy without formal executive committee approval.
      3. The finance chair shall submit financial reports at every general meeting.
      4. All requests for funds from the treasury shall be submitted, in writing, through a representative to the finance chair.
      5. The finance chair shall be responsible for processing all claims against the treasury.
    5. The information services chair shall be responsible for recording and distributing minutes and other records of the GSS.
      1. Whenever possible, the information services chair shall be assisted by an administrative assistant. In such cases the information services chair shall have the duty of approving, by signature, the preparation of minutes, records, and correspondence.
      2. The information services chair shall be responsible for the maintenance of membership lists, and shall bring vacancies and absences to the attention of the executive committee.
      3. The information services chair shall provide copies of all records, excluding those which require confidentiality from higher authority, without approval of the entire executive committee, to any member of GSS upon written request.
    6. The colloquium chair shall serve on the executive committee and in an advisory capacity to the executive committee and to GSS. The colloquium chair shall perform specific duties as designated by the executive chair and the executive committee.
      1. The colloquium chair shall be responsible for the coordination and organization of special GSS events as designated by the executive chair and the executive committee.
      2. The colloquium chair shall serve on special committees and act as public relations officer for GSS.
    7. The GSS retains all powers not delegated in this document, and may assign other duties as it chooses.
    8. GSS election of officers shall be by quorum majority.
  6. Committees. The GSS shall create, staff, and disband such committees as it wishes to conduct its business.
    1. Appointments to standing council, Kent state university, and college committees shall be made by the executive vice-chair.
    2. Appointees to such committees may include graduate students other than members of the GSS.
    3. The graduate student representatives to Kent state university committees shall submit a summary report to the GSS.
  7. Impeachment. The impeachment of an officer shall be by quorum majority of the GSS.
    1. The accuser must present a petition for the impeachment of an officer to the provost or her/his designee. The petition must contain the signatures of a majority of the GSS representatives, excluding alternates or one-third of the graduate student body as determined by the registrar's office.
    2. A special meeting of the GSS shall be called by the provost or her/his designee for this specific purpose.
    3. The accused officer must be notified, in writing, at least seven days prior to the date of the special meeting.
    4. The provost or her/his designee shall designate a representative to preside at the meeting and a full transcript shall be made.
    5. Both the accused and the accuser shall have the right to counsel and to present evidence and testimony at the special meeting.
    6. The meeting shall be closed to all persons except the above.
    7. All voting shall be by secret ballot. The count shall be made by the person presiding, verified by the accused, and the ballots shall be sealed with the transcript to be held with the official records of GSS.
    8. The verdict shall be mailed to all members of the GSS and the accused officer by the provost or his/her designee within one week of the special meeting.
  8. Voting.
    1. A quorum must be present to conduct business. A quorum shall consist of at least ten elected representatives to the GSS or their alternates.
    2. Unless otherwise noted, a quorum majority shall be required for approval of any GSS action. A quorum majority shall mean more than one-half of the number of representatives present at the meeting.
    3. All GSS members (representatives and executive committee members) with the exception of the executive chair have voting privileges. The executive chair shall exercise the privilege to settle the issue of a tie vote.
  9. Amendments.
    1. To propose an amendment to this document, a GSS representative (or alternate), shall read and present a written copy of the amendment at a general meeting of the GSS. A copy of the proposed amendment shall be sent to all GSS representatives (or alternates) within two weeks of the meeting for their review.
    2. The amendment proposal shall be placed on the agenda of the next general GSS meeting following its introduction. A two-thirds majority vote will be required to bring the amendment to the floor for discussion.
    3. Amendments shall be adopted by a two-thirds quorum majority of the GSS and shall take effect upon adoption and ratification by the Kent state university president and the board of trustees and fulfillment of the requirements of Section 111.15 of the Revised Code.
  10. Ratification. Ratification of this document shall be by quorum majority of the GSS, the president of Kent state university, and the board of trustees.
    1. Upon ratification, this document, or a revised version thereof, shall supersede all previous governing documents and practices of the GSS of Kent state university.
    2. Upon ratification of this document, or a revised version thereof, all persons holding office in the GSS shall continue as officers of the GSS until the end of their terms or their resignations.
  11. Bylaws. Bylaws may be established as long as they operate in compliance with this charter.
Policy Effective Date:
Mar 01, 2015
Policy Prior Effective Dates: 
11/4/1977, 4/30/1982, 1/11/1991, 3/3/1991, 2/17/1994, 3/7/2000