Alice Colwell, MSN, CNE, RNC-NIC
College of Nursing
Associate Lecturer
Office Hours:
Monday, Tuesday
I have been a nursing faculty for almost 10 years and enjoy every aspect of educating our future nurses. Along with academia, I have also authored a publication in Neonatal Network, co-authored a chapter in a health policy textbook and served as a subject matter expert for a obstetrical textbook. I also helped students with a publication in a student nurse publication and mentor honor students with research poster presentations.
NURS 46000 – Health Care Policy
NURS 20020 – Foundations of Assessment and Communication in Nursing
NURS 20030 – Foundations of Nursing Interventions
MSN, С»ÆƬÊÓƵ, 2011
BSN, Penn State University, 1990
BSN, Penn State University, 1990
Neonatal nursing
infant safe sleeping practices
infant safe sleeping practices
- To Bathe or Not to Bathe: A Neonatal Question (Neonatal Network, 34(4), 216-219.
- A problem of epidemic proportions: Ethical concerns in the opioid crisis
- Prescription for disaster
- Quality of care: Links to outcome and reimbursement