Workshops and Presentations

The Women's Center provides programming that can be delivered to residence halls, student organizations, campus departments and members of the community. Each workshop or empower hour can be presented at the Williamson or on site for your group 



Bring Feminist Friday to your student group, residence hall or classroom!!  Feminism: Redefining the F Word is a workshop about what it means to ignite your passion for feminism and turn it into purposeful actions that ignite change! You can select the general Feminism presentation, or you can choose from the following concentration areas:

  • This is what a Black Feminist Looks Like
  • Activism: Moving from Passion to Purpose
  • Not your Mother’s Feminism

Audience: Students
Format: Interactive
Time: 60 minutes



The Women’s Center offers confidence building and skill enhancement workshops that will help students overcome some of the emotional and societal barriers that prohibit them from leading successfully. These workshops focus on promoting a positive identity of self and the empowerment of self and others. Our workshops are broken up into the following segments
  • Self Love - A session that helps participants to explore the root of their insecurities and to shift their focus to the aspects of self love. 
  • Facing the Media - This session focuses on the media and the pressure it has on women today 
  • Community Empowerment - A session that helps student groups build a stronger sisterhood and explore how each individual is a positive addition to the group.

Audience: Students
Format: Interactive
Time: 60 minutes


Leadership 101

The Women’s Center makes an intentional effort to equip our students with the tools they need to effectively lead and pursue their career goals. This workshop teaches students how to become change agents on campus and in the world.
  • Also available for student groups to help them develop a strategic plan and set goals. 

Audience: Students
Format: Interactive
Time: 60 minutes



The Sage Project is a way to recognize female students who have demonstrated innovation, creativity, risk-taking and leadership skills in their academic and personal lives. This Workshop highlights these stories, and teaches participants how to identify obstacles and overcome them.

Audience: Students
Format: Interactive
Time: 60 minutes


Gender in the Media

Raising our awareness of how the media perpetuates gender stereotypes, recognizing it's effect on us and learning what we can do about it. 

Audience: Students
Format: Interactive
Time: 60 minutes


Women's Health and Wellbeing

Finding our more about college women's health issues, concerns and opportunities focusing primarily on healthy sexuality and reproductive health.

Audience: Students
Format: Interactive
Time: 60 minutes