Ned Parks
As an entrepreneur, author and radio talk show host, as well as a community leader and outdoor enthusiast, Ned Parks pulls from a wealth of experience to deliver upbeat and highly interactive programs. At age 26, Parks accepted an offer to attend Warrant Officer Candidate School and the U.S. Army Helicopter Pilot School. A year later, he was flying helicopters along South Korea’s conflicted DMZ. By age 28, Parks’ experience teaching teamwork, leadership and interpersonal communication skills in high-pressure environments came into play when he successfully completed the U.S. Army’s adult education program and became a classroom and flight line instructor. Upon returning to Ohio, Parks founded Parks Aviation Services Inc. Just three years later, Parks sold his highly successful business and joined a manufacturing company as a division general manager. Within one year, he turned the struggling, lackluster division into a highly profitable group, restoring employee morale and reducing turnover. Now, Parks harnesses his passion for helping others by conducting humor-filled leadership and motivational keynote speeches and workshops on the challenges of everyday life.