Basic Editing - Body Copy
The body field is where main content is entered.
(You can click the Maximize icon (a) to see the window as a full screen.)
The functions of the icons shown in rows 1 and 2, from left to right, are listed below the screenshot.
(Note: depending on your screen size, your icons may be in different spots.)

Row 1
- Source - toggle to view the source code (HTML) of body field
- (Note: generally for more experienced editors.)
- Re-do
- Undo
- Insert an image into the body field
- Insert an HTML block into the body field
- (Note: generally for more experienced editors.)
- Embed a video into the body field
- Insert table
- Insert a Link into the body field
- Use Link to content to link to pages - ONLY LINK TO NODE IDs. Node IDs never change. When the URL or title of a page/department/program/etc. changes, node links will automatically update to the new URL.
- Insert special characters
- Full-screen editor (a)
- Insert horizontal rule divider
- Show blocks
- Choose language
Row 2
- Heading Dropdown - a list of headings for content structuring, important for web accessibility
- Styles - a list of styling options for the currently-selected content (link, text, list, etc.)
- Bold
- Italic
- Underline
- Strike Through
- Superscript
- Subscript
- Clear formatting
- Insert/remove a bulleted list
- Insert/remove a numbered list
- Decrease Indent
- Increase Indent
- Create a block quote
- Text Alignment Options