
Educator Preparation Data

Ohio Educator Performance Reports

High-quality teachers and principals are developed through high-quality educator preparation programs. To continuously improve the quality of educator preparation programs in Ohio, requires the Chancellor of Higher Education and the Superintendent of Public Instruction to establish and and other school personnel.

The identification of metrics and the report format were developed in collaboration with representatives from the public and private educator preparation institutions in Ohio, state agencies, and organizations. The Ohio Department of Higher Education works with the Ohio Department of Education and higher education institutions to collect data on the following identified metrics for the annual reports:

  • Licensure Test Pass Rates
  • Ohio Teacher Evaluation System (OTES) Results of Program Graduates
  • Ohio Principal Evaluation System (OPES) Results of Program Graduates
  • Value-added Data (EVAAS)
  • Candidate Academic Measures Considered for Program Admission
  • Field/Clinical Experiences
  • Pre-Service Teacher Candidate Survey Results
  • Resident Educator Survey Results
  • Principal Intern Survey Results
  • Principal Mentor Survey Results
  • Resident Educator Persistence Data
  • Excellence and Innovation Initiatives
  • National Accreditation