Contact Us


Street address: 404 White Hall, 150 Terrace Drive, Kent, OH 44242
Mailing address: PO Box 5190, Kent, OH 44242-0001


If no phone number is listed, please call the main School of Teaching, Learning & Curriculum Studies number: 330-672-2580.

Early Childhood Education (ECED)

Program Coordinator, Undergraduate - Dr. Julia Stoll, jastoll@kent.edu
Program Coordinator, Graduate (ECED M.Ed. and MAT) - Dr. Elizabeth Kenyon, 330-672-0620 / ekenyon@kent.edu
Graduate Advisor - Erin Harwood, 330-672-2862 / eharwood@kent.edu
Undergraduate & Transfer Advisor, last names A-L - Michelle Schultz, 330-672-4002 / mschultz@kent.edu
Undergraduate & Transfer Advisor, last names M-Z - Shannon Logsdon, 330-672-2862 / slogsdo1@kent.edu

Middle Childhood Education

Program Coordinator - Dr. Danielle Gruhler, 330-672-6517 / dgruhler@kent.edu
Graduate & Additional Licensure Advisor - Erin Harwood, 330-672-2862 / eharwood@kent.edu
Undergraduate & Transfer Advisor - Amanda Whitacre, 330-672-2862 / awhitac4@kent.edu

Adolescent & Young Adult Education (ADED)

Program Coordinator, ADED - Dr. Kristine Pytash, 330-672-0614 / kpytash@kent.edu
Program Coordinator, ADED Master of Arts in Teaching - Dr. Scott Durham, 330-672-0637 / bdurham4@kent.edu

Alternative Licensure Professional Development Institute (ALPDI)

Program Coordinator - Dr. Lisa Testa, 330-672-0647 / etesta@kent.edu

Career Technical Teacher Education

Program Coordinator - Dr. Davison Mupinga, 330-672-0676 / dmupinga@kent.edu

Physical Education

Program Coordinator - Kevin Eckert, 330-672-0627 / keckert5@kent.edu

Curriculum and Instruction

Program Coordinator - Dr. Scott Courtney, 330-672-0657 / scourtn5@kent.edu

Educational Technology

Program Coordinator - Dr. Chia-Ling Kuo, 330-672-0599 / ckuo@kent.edu

Literacy Education

Program Coordinator - Dr. Lori Wilfong, lgkrug@kent.edu

Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT)

Early Childhood Master of Arts in Teaching - Dr. Elizabeth Kenyon, 330-672-0620 / ekenyon@kent.edu
ADED (Secondary) Master of Arts in Teaching - Dr. Scott Durham, 330-672-0637 / bdurham4@kent.edu


Director, School of Teaching, Learning & Curriculum Studies

Dr. George Kamberelis
404 White Hall
330-672-2580 (phone) / 330-672-3246 (fax)



Center for Math & Science Education

Math Education - Dr. Joanne Caniglia, jcanigl1@kent.edu
Science Education - Dr. Lisa Borgerding, ldonnell@kent.edu

Child Development Center

CDC Executive Director - Dr. Monica Miller Marsh, 330-672-2559 / mmillerm@kent.edu
CDC School Director - Pamela Hutchins, 330-672-2559 / phutchin@kent.edu
CDC Financial Coordinator - Dr. Julia Stoll, 330-672-0992 / jastoll@kent.edu

Reading & Writing Center

Director - Dr. Lori Wilfong, 330-675-3200 / lgkrug@kent.edu
Special Assistant - Sherry Ernsberger, 330-672-0622 / sernsber@kent.edu

Research Center for Educational Technology

Director - Dr. Annette Kratcoski, 330-672-3371 / akratcos@kent.edu
AT&T Classroom - 330-672-1908


Questions regarding…

School of Teaching, Learning & Curriculum Studies (TLC) advising -
Undergraduate advising, and transcript evaluation for transfer students:
     Vacca Office of Student Services, 330-672-2862 / oss@kent.edu
Graduate advising: Office of Graduate Student Services, 330-672-2576 /
     See OGS website for email addresses
TLC class scheduling - Katherine Bryk, 330-672-0625 / kmurph15@kent.edu
TLC graduate assistants - Sherry Ernsberger, 330-672-0622 / sernsber@kent.edu
TLC grant support - Sherry Ernsberger, 330-672-0622 / sernsber@kent.edu
TLC scholarship applications - Sherry Ernsberger, 330-672-0622 / sernsber@kent.edu
EHHS scholarship applications - Erin Harwood, 330-672-2862 / eharwood@kent.edu
Licensure - Katie Kozak, 330-672-0547 / kkozak2@kent.edu