Writing Portfolio

The Writing Portfolio is a directed study taken with a part- or full-time faculty member of your choosing. 

The Writing Portfolio is a compilation of a student's academic writing, given their major or minor concentration (e.g., literature analyses, professional essays, and/or creative writing). Students wishing to create and complete the Writing Portfolio will choose a faculty member who will direct their portfolio, helping the student decide which written pieces to include in their portfolio and what revisions and new work should be completed and included. Students will also need to choose another faculty member to be a portfolio reader who will provide additional feedback related to necessary revisions. 




To begin the process, follow these steps:

1.  Choose a faculty member to serve as your Writing Portfolio Director.

2.  Choose a faculty member to serve as your Reader. (Please note: either your Director or Reader must be a member of the Department of English.)

3.  Communicate with both your intended Director and Reader to be sure that they agree to serve in those roles. 

4.  Compose an email:

     (a) The email should be to your Director and Reader.

  • Kent Campus students: Copy the English Department Administrative Assistant, Sheri McMahon: smcmaho7@kent.edu  

  • Regional Campus students: Copy your campus’s Administrative Assistant or person responsible for creating CRN #s. 

     (b) All students: Also copy Prof. Catherine Wing, who oversees the Writing Portfolio: cwing1@kent.edu  

     (c) All students: Ask your Director and Reader to reply-all, confirming their participation in your portfolio.

5.  Once both the Director and Reader respond and confirm their participation, you will receive an email from the Administrative Assistant with a CRN# for ENG 40099 so that you can register for the course. 

Please note that ENG 40099 is a two-credit class. To be eligible to enroll, a student must have a minimum of Junior standing (60 hours of earned credit) and a 3.00 G.P.A. in writing courses taken toward completion of the Writing Minor. Students typically take their portfolio credits during their senior year but may enroll earlier.