Committee Meetings

  •  Agendas and Procedures.  Meetings and agendas of all programs and major ad hoc committees should be announced to faculty on all campuses as far in advance         as possible.  Meetings are open to any member of the Department who wishes to   attend, observe, and comment on issues under consideration.  (N.B. This does not Apply to meetings of the Ad hoc Reappointment, Tenure, and Promotion Committees.)  Questions about procedure will be settled according to Robert’s Rules of Order unless the committee has adopted other explicit procedural rules.
  • Minutes.  The minutes of all standing committees (except the Student Academic Complaints Committee) normally will be made available to all members of the Department within two weeks of the meeting in which they were approved.
  • Policy Proposals.  Except in emergencies, no substantive policy recommendation will be voted on at the meeting at which it is introduced.