
The Undergraduate Studies Committee (USC)

The USC is composed of at least one Faculty member from each degree program in the Department, two Faculty members from the Regional Campuses, one NTT faculty member, and one undergraduate student. Members are appointed by the Undergraduate Coordinator, with the approval of FAC, for a period of one year. The size of the committee is not fixed. The membership from the departmental sub-disciplines should be adequately balanced.

The USC assists the Undergraduate Coordinator in supervising and coordinating the Department鈥檚 undergraduate curricular programs.  The USC makes recommendations on any and all matters that affect the undergraduate academic programs of the Department, including, but not limited to, faculty proposals for new courses, changes in course content, major requirements, and other curricular matters.  The USC reviews and decides student appeals regarding course substitution. 

 The Undergraduate Coordinator shall normally serve on the College Curriculum Committee.  However, if the Undergraduate Coordinator does not have full Graduate Faculty status, the Chair, in consultation with FAC, shall appoint a member of the USC with full Graduate Faculty status as the Department鈥檚 representative to the College Curriculum Committee. 

Recommendations of the Undergraduate Studies Committee for major changes in undergraduate curriculum, poli颅cies, or degree requirements must be approved by the department Faculty prior to forwarding to the Chair, whose recommendations go to the College Curriculum Committee.