Committees Mandated Committees

A. College Advisory Committee

1. The CAC, as a committee mandated by the Tenure-Track Collective Bargaining Agreement, shall be the primary advisory and recommendatory body to the Dean in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Tenure-Track Collective Bargaining Agreement. Accordingly, the CAC will advise the Dean of UL on those professional matters which are central to the mission of UL, including, but not necessarily limited to, those outlined in the Tenure-Track Collective Bargaining Agreement. The CAC of UL meets regularly, every other week during the fall and spring semesters, and generally as often during the summer sessions and intersessions.

2. The membership of the CAC shall be limited to Faculty and NTT faculty.

3. The six Faculty members of the CAC shall be elected from the Faculty by secret ballot. Ballots may be cast only by the Faculty. For each representative position, the candidate receiving the most votes shall be elected. Representatives shall serve two-year terms in rotation; three representatives will be elected annually.

4. Faculty shall be represented on the CAC in a ratio that reflects the current tenured/untenured composition of the entire Faculty. However, at least two representatives shall be tenured. If the representative to the Provost's Advisory Council is elected from outside the membership of the CAC, this person's academic status shall not be considered in calculating the ratio. 

5.  NTT faculty participation:

a.  One (1) NTT faculty member will be elected to serve on CAC, in addition to the six Faculty members of CAC.

b.  The term of service on CAC will be two (2) years.

c.  An NTT faculty member shall not serve two (2) consecutive terms.

d.  Every two years, in the week following the Annual Faculty meeting, NTT faculty will meet and elect one of their number to serve as NTT faculty representative to CAC.

e.  NTT faculty will have the same rights as Faculty representatives on CAC to participate in the discussion and decision-making regarding all issues that come before CAC except the following, as indicated in the Tenure-Track Collective Bargaining Agreement, Article VI, Section 3, Paragraph A (p. 12): "...personnel decisions regarding tenure-track Faculty members, including, but not limited to appointment, reappointment, tenure, promotion, merit or sanctions. This provision does not prohibit [UL] from including Non-Tenure Track faculty on tenure-track search committees, as deemed appropriate or specified in the unit handbook."

f. Every two years the NTT Bargaining Unit President will oversee the nomination and election of a UL representative to Non-Tenure Track Provost Advisory Council (NPAC). If the elected representative is not a current member of CAC, that person shall be invited to attend CAC meetings as needed. The NPAC representative may bring issues or concerns to CAC as they arise from NPAC meetings and activities. The NPAC representative may also be asked to report to CAC on NPAC activities.

6. The Dean of UL shall be both Chair and an ex officio non-voting member of CAC.

7. At a scheduled meeting of CAC if the Dean should be absent, the Associate Dean of UL shall preside for the purpose of transacting any necessary business. 

8. In order that Faculty members may be informed of issues to be discussed and express their opinions and concerns, the agenda for a regular meeting of the CAC shall be distributed to all faculty at least two (2) calendar days prior to the meeting. Electronic distribution shall be the preferred means whenever feasible.

9. Faculty and NTT faculty may make suggestions for the CAC agenda by contacting the Dean or an CAC member in advance of any CAC meeting.

10. Minutes of CAC meetings shall be distributed to all faculty within five (5) calendar days after their approval.

11. A representative to the Provost's Advisory Council shall be elected by the CAC for a one-year term at its first regular meeting after each election. If the representative is not already a member of the CAC, that person also serves as an at-large, non-voting member of CAC.

Revision approved by UL Faculty, 6/29/10

Receipt acknowledged by the Provost's Office, 9/1710

Final approval, 8/31/11