Graduate Qualifying Exams


Pure Math

The 2 exams to be taken are Algebra and Analysis.

Passing Scores are...

  • To pass at Master's level you need: 100 (50+ in each field),

An examination committee will review scores above 80 to determine if they should pass.

  • To pass at Doctoral level you need: 140 (60+ in each field),

An examination committee will review scores above 120 to determine if they should pass.

Applied Math

Choose 2 exams from Numerical Analysis, Probability, Statistics, and Methods of Applied Mathematics.

Passing Scores are...

  • To pass at Master's level you need: 100 (50+ in each field)

An examination committee will review scores above 80 to determine if they should pass.

  • To pass at Doctoral level you need: 140 (60+ in each field),

An examination committee will review scores above 120 to determine if they should pass.

Application for Qualifiers

  • Applications must be turned in at least 2 weeks prior to the exam. Registration for exams is closed after this 2 weeks.
  • Students already registered to take Qualifying Exams must notify the department up to 2 weeks prior if they cannot take the exam. Notifications within 2 weeks will count as one try. 
  • A student is only permitted two (2) attempts to pass the Qualifying Examination, per area. Questions regarding attempts should be directed to the Graduate Coordinator.
  • Applications are available below, in addition to the office mail room. Applications can be filled out and returned to the Graduate Secretary in MSB 233D or mailed to the Department of Mathematical Sciences.