Miriam Matteson, Ph.D.
Miriam L. Matteson is the Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies in CCI. Her portfolio includes oversight of all college graduate programs, the CCI doctoral program, CCI research and creative activity initiatives and support and all CCI global initiatives and study abroad and study away programs. Miriam is a full professor in the School of Information.
Her research broadly explores emotion in the workplace. She has studied emotional labor, dispositional affect, and interpersonal and emotional soft skills in a variety of library settings. She also researches information literacy instruction and individual differences in students’ development of information literacy. Miriam is also engaged in research and program development on continuing management education for librarians. She has published in College and Research Libraries, Library and Information Science Research, Library Management, Library Quarterly, and portal: Libraries and the Academy. She is the editor of the Future Voices in Public Services column in Public Services Quarterly.
Before earning her PhD in Library Science from the University of Maryland she worked as a reference and instruction librarian at the University of Maryland University College. She has also worked as a music cataloger at Indiana University, and a project manager at Universidad Simon Bolivar in Caracas, Venezuela. She was a reference librarian intern at National Public Radio and has also worked as a solo librarian at A.T. Kearney, a US consulting firm in Caracas.
Miriam is an active speaker at state, national, and international library conferences including Ohio Library Council, Academic Library Association of Ohio, Association of College and Research Libraries, American Library Association, and the European Conference on Information Literacy.
*The School of Information faculty are superstars in the field. Therefore, it is impossible to list all of the great work they do on one page. Listed below is a small selection of recent work. Further information can be viewed in Dr. Matteson’s CV (found below), on her page, or on .
Academic Program
Library & Information Science
Information Access and Discovery
LIS 60040 Information Institutions and Professions (Co-developed)
LIS 60601 Information Sources and Reference Services (Developed)
LIS 60615 The Academic Library (Developed)
LIS 60618 Information Literacy Initiatives and Instruction (Co-developed)
Research Specialties
Information LiteracyEmotional LaborCommunication & Soft SkillsManagement
Selected Publications
Matteson, M. L., & Gersch, B. (2020). Information literacy instruction in public libraries. Journal of Information Literacy, 14(2).
Zhang, Y., Matteson, M. L., Li, X., Tu, X., Zhou, Y., Wang, J. (2020). Older adults’ eHealth literacy and the role libraries can play. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science.
Matteson, M. L., & Gersch, B. (2019). Unique or ubiquitous: Information literacy instruction outside academia. Reference Service Review, 47(1).
Matteson, M. L., McShane, M., & Hankinson, E. (2019, March 12). Soft skills revealed: An examination of relational skills in librarianship. ACRL 2019 Proceedings, American Library Association.
Matteson, M. L., & Hankinson, E. (2018). Getting off on the right foot: Psychological contracts, socialization theory and library student workers. Journal of Academic Librarianship, 44(4), 486-492.
Professional Service
- Column Editor for Future Voices in Public Services, Public Services Quarterly (2017 - Present)
- Serves on the Editorial Advisory Board for Advances in Library Administration and Organization (2014 - Present)
- Reviewer for the Emonet Conference (2013, 2015, 2017, 2020)
- ILEAD - Ohio Steering Committee Member (2017, 2019)
- Served as a Board Member for the Academic Library Association of Ohio (ALAO) (2015 - 2017)
- Served on the Nominating Committee for the Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE) (2019 - 2020)
- Distinguished Advising Award, College of Communication and Information, С»ÆƬÊÓƵ (2014)
- American Library Association (ALA)
- Academic Library Association of Ohio (ALAO)
- Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE)
- Ohio Library Council (OLC)
C.A.S in Library and Information Science from the University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
M.L.S. from Indiana University
B.S. in Music and History from Indiana University