

Administrative policy regarding leaves of absence for nonteaching unclassified and classified staff

  1. Policy statement. A full-time employee who has completed probationary period or after one year of service with the university, whichever occurs first, or a part-time employee who has worked one thousand two hundred fifty hours the previous twelve months, may apply for a leave of absence.
    1. A leave of absence is granted for a specific purpose. The university benefits office may review the reason for the leave as stated by the employee.
Policy Effective Date:
Sep 22, 2024


Administrative policy regarding leaves of absence for graduate students

  1. Policy statement. A leave of absence may be granted for degree seeking graduate students actively enrolled in courses for one or more semesters for personal, family, financial or other compelling reasons.
  2. Eligibility. To be eligible for a leave of absence, a student must be seeking a graduate degree, have completed at least one full term of enrollment prior to the date a leave is to begin, be in good academic standing and be making reasonable progress toward the degree.
Policy Effective Date:
Sep 22, 2024


Administrative policy regarding leave under the FMLA

  1. Policy statement. In compliance with the Federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), it is the policy of the university to grant up to twelve weeks of unpaid job protected leave to eligible employees per rolling twelve-month period. Military family leave entitles eligible employees a combined total of twenty-six weeks of FMLA leave per rolling twelve-month period.
Policy Effective Date:
Sep 22, 2024


Administrative policy regarding leave of absence for temporary disability

  1. Policy statement. A leave of absence may be granted upon written request for a period not to exceed six months when an eligible classified or unclassified staff member requests leave for an extended absence due to illness, pregnancy or temporary disability. The staff member shall furnish satisfactory medical proof of such illness, pregnancy or temporary disability.
  2. Illness, pregnancy, childbirth, related conditions and temporary disability.
Policy Effective Date:
Sep 22, 2024


Administrative policy regarding inappropriate service of clerical and secretarial employees

  1. An employee's responsibilities should relate to the work of the office, the university and/or higher education in general. 
  2. Secretarial or employees in the classified service should not be asked to perform assignment beyond the scope of their responsibilities.
  3. The director of talent management will assist in the resolution of questions regarding the scope of responsibilities, upon request.

This policy was previously numbered 3342-6-20.3.

Policy Effective Date:
Sep 22, 2024


Administrative policy regarding guests in residence halls

  1. Purpose. This policy shall govern, define and provide rules for guests visiting the residence halls.
  2. Definitions. As used in this rule "guest鈥 is defined as any person who does not currently reside in the residence halls. For the purposes of this policy, the Eastway Center is considered a dining space and is not defined as a residence hall.
  3. Criteria/scope/requirements/eligibility.
Policy Effective Date:
Sep 22, 2024


Administrative policy regarding graduate faculty

  1. Each academic unit shall form a graduate faculty committee selected from its present full members of the graduate faculty. It may be desirable for this committee to be the graduate studies committee to the academic unit. This committee shall evaluate its faculty for graduate faculty status and forward its recommendations to the academic unit administrator or designee for approval.
Policy Effective Date:
Sep 22, 2024
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