
Administrative policy and procedures regarding holidays for administrative contract and unrepresented hourly classified employees

  1. Holiday observance.
    1. The following holidays will be observed annually by administrative, professional, and nonacademic employees:
      1. First of January; (New Year's day)
      2. Third Monday in January; (Martin Luther King Jr.
Policy Effective Date:
Sep 22, 2024


Administrative policy and procedures regarding final examinations

  1. Purpose. All courses offered for credit require a substantial final examination.
  2. Intent and scope.
    1. The intent and scope of this policy applies equally to all departments, schools, colleges and campuses of the university.
    2. Final examinations have an important function in the progression of students through their courses of study.
Policy Effective Date:
Sep 22, 2024


Administrative policy and procedures regarding computation of non-hourly pay for employment beginning or ending at times other than regular appointment periods

  1. Purpose. The purpose of this rule is to provide a standardized method for computing the initial or final salary payments to non-hourly employees who begin or leave university employment for any reason at times other than the regular beginning or ending date of their appointment period.
  2. Criteria.
Policy Effective Date:
Sep 22, 2024


Administrative policy and procedures regarding complaints of unlawful discrimination and harassment

  1. Purpose. This policy sets forth the expectations and responsibilities for maintaining a safe educational and employment environment free of discrimination and harassment. This policy prohibits discrimination and harassment based on race, color, religion, gender, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, ancestry, disability, genetic information, age, and military or veteran status.
Policy Effective Date:
Sep 22, 2024


Administrative policy and procedures regarding class disruptions

  1. Policy statement. In the event of classroom disruption, under no circumstance is a member of the faculty expected to take physical action to control a disturbance. Faculty should also make every effort to discourage students from taking physical action against disrupters.
  2. Disruption of classes by students. Class order and discipline are the responsibility of the class instructor insofar as possible.
Policy Effective Date:
Sep 22, 2024


Administrative policy and procedure regarding missing student notification

  1. Purpose. Kent state university takes student safety very seriously.  To this end, the following policy and procedure has been established to assist in locating Kent state university students living in Kent state university owned on-campus housing who, based on the facts and circumstances known to Kent state university, Kent state university has determined to be missing.
  2. Implementation.
Policy Effective Date:
Sep 22, 2024


Administrative policy and procedure regarding grievances of nonteaching unclassified and unrepresented classified staff

  1. Purpose. The purpose of this policy is to secure equitable solutions as quickly as possible to complaints that may arise relative to the working conditions of university employees. Members of the faculty have other grievance resolution machinery available and are excluded from this policy.
  2. Definitions.
    1. Employee. For the purposes of this policy, the term "employees" is defined as unclassified administrative and professional staff members and unrepresented classified civil service appointees 
    2. Grievance.
Policy Effective Date:
Sep 22, 2024


Administrative policy and procedure regarding court leave

  1. The university shall grant leave with full pay to an employee who:
    1. Is summoned for jury duty by a court of competent jurisdiction, or
    2. Is subpoenaed to appear before any court, commission, board or other legally constituted body authorized by law to compel the attendance of witnesses, where the employee is not a party to the action.
  2. Any compensation or reimbursement for jury duty or for court attendance compelled by subpoena, when such duty is performed during and employee's normal working hours, shall be remitted by th
Policy Effective Date:
Sep 22, 2024
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