
Establish, revise or inactivate a policy for a department, college or university-wide

Academic policies pertain to regulations or procedures developed to maintain standards while assuring fair and consistent treatment of students. Some examples of policies include those relating to admission to the university, selective admission requirements for one or more programs or retention criteria. Academic policies are found, typically, in the . The term policy also includes university policies, administrative policies and operational procedures and regulations, which are found in the University Policy Register.

Academic policies are exclusive of program requirements. If you want to revise a policy within an academic program, submit a proposal.

Complete the following:

  1. proposal
    1. For help, consult the Curriculum Management User Manual and frequently asked questions (FAQ)
    2. for a university policy (KSU sign-in required)
  2. Attach any of the following documents to the proposal:
    1. Memos concerning impact, duplication or support, if applicable, that affects academic units and/or campuses' resources (staffing, facilities, library, finances, student services)
    2. Evidence external to unit in support of policy establishment, revision or inactivation (if appropriate)