

What Students Experience with Success Coaching

Hierarchy venn diagram depicting from top to bottom: Goal Achievement; Action Plan Assessment, Modification or Success; Action Planning; Goal Setting; Factual Self-Reflection & Self-Discovery; Dream & Future Vision; Student Self-Reflection
  • Students complete an online profile form and a prep-assignment prior to the first coaching meeting.
  • Students meet one-one-one with their success coach.
  • Coaching methods that will be used during coaching are reviewed with the student.
  • Students review, discuss and sign the coaching agreement.
  • Students are asked to share general information about oneself this begins establishing the coaching relationship.
  • The completed online forms that include student goals are reviewed and guide the coaching session.
  • Students reflect and talk a great deal about themselves that leads to action plan development.
  • Students and their coach co-design an action plan with specific steps and completion dates.
  • Action plans integrate SMART goals (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, time-table) and accountability.
  • Students schedule their next coaching session before departing.
  • Each Success Coaching meeting is scheduled for one-hour.


Success Coaching is forward movement. Student focus is on moving toward their established goals while maintaining school and life balance. The Success Coaching Model places emphasis on the student being solely and directly responsible for their success and goal achievement, creates a trusting and welcoming environment for self-reflection and self-discovery, while meeting students where they are in cognitive and emotional development, and honors the student being the expert of their life.  All students benefit from Success Coaching!

Stages & Descriptions 

I: Self-ReflectionStudents complete an online profile form and a prep-assignment prior to the first coaching meeting. The online information guides the initial success coaching appointment conversation.  
II: Dream & Future VisionStudents describe short and/or long-term goals related to their interests and their 鈥淲iring.鈥 Students discuss potential challenges that are identified and addressed to remove challenges that may hinder or sidetrack success.
III: Factual Self-Reflection and Self-DiscoveryStudents begin to make self-discoveries, focus on new possibilities and options, and focus on new ways of thinking as self-reflection matures with the deepening of self-awareness.  Interests, skills, gifts, talent,  and resourcefulness are recognized  creating a  space to begin the process of confident-intentional decision-making. The use of Ontological coaching models (OAR, BEL, and Historical Discourse) are the foundational approaches to illustrate thinking and decision-making patterns. Assessment tools MBTI, Holland Code, and True Colors may be utilized to illustrate thinking and decision-making patterns.
IV: Goal-SettingStudents identify specific goals to achieve based on how they are 鈥渨ired!鈥  
V: Action-PlanningA step-by-step plan to move student toward achieving goals is co-designed and established by the student with assistance from the success coach.
VI: Action-Plan AssessmentThe action plan is assessed to determine progress or if modifications are needed to achieve success.
VII: Goal AchievementStudent celebration 鈥 Goal achievement successful!!  
  1. 45-60 minutes is the duration of success coaching appointments.
  2. Students complete an online profile form and a prep-assignment prior to the first coaching meeting.
  3. Students meet one-one-one with success coach.
  4. The coaching process is explained during the first coaching appointment.
  5. Students review, discuss, and sign the coaching agreement.
  6. Students are asked to share general information about oneself to begin establishing the coaching relationship.
  7. The completed online profile form and prep-assignment guide the coaching session.
  8. Students engage in meaningful self-reflection and discovery conversation as the student experiences the maturing of a deeper connection with self.
  9. Students establish goals that lead to action plan development.
  10. Students and the coach co-design an action plan with specific steps and completion dates.
  11. Students schedule their next coaching session before departing.
  12. Student focuses on action steps before second Success Coaching meeting.
  13. During the second Success Coaching meeting, the action plan is assessed for modification or success, in addition to continued self-reflection, self-discovery, and goal setting.