Important Links and Forms
Meeting Schedule
The following is the Show Meeting Schedule for Spring 2023. Meetings are held in D207 unless otherwise indicated.
January 2023
Thurs., Jan. 12, 2023 11 a.m. Dance Faculty Retreat – Location TBD Wed., Jan. 18, 2023 5:30 p.m. THDN Majors & Minors Meeting - E. Turner Stump Theatre Fri., Jan. 20, 2023 9 a.m. Re-envisioning the Kent Core – Listening Meeting 1:15 p.m. "Urinetown" – Production Meeting 2 p.m. "Somewhere" – Design Meeting #4 3:30 p.m. THDN School Faculty & Staff Meeting – Location TBD Fri., Jan. 27, 2023 1:15 p.m. "Urinetown" – Production Meeting 2 p.m. KDE – Design/Production Meeting
February 2023
Fri., Feb. 3, 2023 1:15 p.m. "Urinetown" – Production Meeting 2 p.m. Fall 2023 Show #1 Design Meeting #1 3:30 p.m. THDN FAC Meeting Tues., Feb. 7, 2023 TBD Discover Theatre and Dance Day Fri,. Feb. 10, 2023 9 a.m. Fall 2023 Show #1 Design Meeting #2 1:15 p.m. "Urinetown" – Production Meeting 2 p.m. "Somewhere" – Design Meeting #5 Final Fri., Feb. 17, 2023 1:15 p.m. BFA/SDF Filming – Production Meeting 2 p.m. KDE – Design/Production Meeting Fri., Feb. 24, 2023 No Production/Design Meetings 5:30 p.m. Roe Green Guest Director 20th Anniversary 7:30 p.m. Opening Night of "Urinetown" Sat., Feb. 25, 2023 TBD School-wide THDN Open House
March 2023
Fri., March 3, 2023 1:15 p.m. "Somewhere" – Production Meeting 2 p.m. KDE – Design/Production Meeting (tentative) Fri., March 10, 2023 9 a.m. Fall 2023 Show #1 Design Meeting #3 1:15 p.m. "Somewhere" – Production Meeting 3:30 p.m. THDN FAC Tue., March 14, 2023 TBD Discover Theatre and Dance Day Fri., March 17, 2023 1:15 p.m. "Somewhere" – Production Meeting 2 p.m. KDE – Production Meeting Fri., March 24, 2023 10 a.m. Potential KDE Matinee (reduced) 1:15 p.m. "Somewhere" – Production Meeting 2 p.m. Fall 2023 Show #1 Design Meeting #4 7:30 p.m. Opening Night of Kent Dance Ensemble Fri., March 31, 2023 SPRING BREAK – NO MEETINGS
April 2023
Fri., Apr. 7, 2023 1:15 p.m. "Somewhere" – Production Meeting 2 p.m. Fall 2023 Show #1 Design Meeting #5 Finals 3:30 p.m. THDN FAC Tue., Apr. 11, 2023 TBD Discover Theatre and Dance Day Fri., Apr. 14, 2023 9 a.m. Fall 2023 Show #2 – Design Meeting #1 TBD "Somewhere" Tech Fri., Apr. 21, 2023 1:15 p.m. 24/25 Season Selection Meeting #1 2 p.m. Fall 2023 Show #2 – Design Meeting #2 7:30 p.m. Opening Night of "Somewhere" Fri., Apr. 28, 2023 2 p.m. THDN School Faculty & Staff Meeting – Location TBD
May 2023
Wed., May 3, 2023 1 p.m. Fall 2023 Show #2 – Design Meeting #3 Thur., May 4, 2023 7:30 p.m. Hold for Omega Drag Show (tentative) Fri., May 5, 2023 5:30 p.m. APO & School Awards Banquet – Location TBD Sat., May 6, 2023 7:30 p.m. BFA/SDF Video Screening – E. Turner Stump Theatre -
Important Emergency Phone Numbers for Theatre and Dance
Below are important emergency phone numbers for School of Theatre and Dance students.
In the event of an emergency in which you need police, fire or medical help, call 911.
Office Phone Number СƬƵ Police (non-emergency) 330-672-3070 Campus Escort Service 330-672-7004 School of Theatre and Dance Main Office 330-672-2082 Dance Division Office 330-672-2069 СƬƵ Health Center 330-672-2322 Women's Clinic Appointments 220-672-8264 Physical Therapy Appointments 330-672-2098 Immunizations 330-672-8263 Counseling and Psychological Services 330-672-2487 Nurse Line 330-672-2326 Performing Arts Box Office 330-672-2787 -
Volunteer Form
If you are working an event as a volunteer, СƬƵ's policy register requires you to complete a Volunteer Assignment Form.
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Anti-Racism
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Teaching Resource Guide
To access the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Teaching Resource Guide, please follow the link below.
Student Productions & Black Box Series
For Dance Students
Dance Student Outside Activity Permission Form
Students in the B.F.A. in Dance Performance and B.A. in Dance Studies must seek permission to participate in productions and activities outside of the School of Theatre and Dance. Junior and senior dance majors must also submit requests to utilize professional days.
Before accepting any production assignment or ongoing activity outside of the School of Theatre and Dance, the following form must be submitted to and approved by the Dance Division. In addition, students requesting professional days must also clear dates with their respective instructors. Professional days, if approved, allow dance majors to miss Dance Division classes without penalty.
Professional days comprise activities directly related to the major’s pursuit of professional development and future employment outside of the School of Theatre and Dance. These activities include auditions, interviews, conferences, master classes, and so forth.
If you have questions regarding the permission form and approval process, please contact Dance Division Coordinator Barbara Allegra Verlezza at or 330-672-0125.
For Design, Technology, and Production Students
Design Technology Production Assignments
The Design Technology and Production area maintains a spreadsheet with production assignments for each semester. Students, faculty, and staff can access the document to see updated information about assignments for this semester.
Revised Requirements for the BFA Theatre Design Technology and Production Program
1. The BFA Design Technology & Production program requires students to demonstrate potential in all areas of design technology and production through assessment measures beyond academic evaluations. The faculty has the right to dismiss from the program a student who fails to demonstrate potential.
2. BFA Design Technology & Production candidates must comply with the university attendance policy 3-01.2 (effective Jan. 13, 2014).
3. BFA Design Technology & Production candidates are required to involve at least one signification assignment per semester approved by Design Technology & Production faculty and staff.
4. BFA Design Technology & Production candidates are expected to follow the GPS roadmap for the BFA Design Technology & Production Program unless exceptions are made by either the College or Faculty advisor.
5. If a BFA Design Technology & Production candidate fails a required Design Technology & Production core class, the candidate will automatically be placed on program probation.
6. BFA Design Technology & Production candidates are expected to matriculate in the BFA program by completing program requirements and Kent Core requirements. Failure of any course requires candidates to repeat courses and may interfere with program matriculation, which may result in program probation.
7. BFA Design Technology & Production candidates must successfully complete all course work as determined by the course instructors and as outlined by the course syllabi and maintain a GPA of 2.5 in their major.
8. BFA Design Technology & Production candidates on academic probation may not participate in School of Theatre and Dance productions. Students may be dropped from the program for failure to maintain a 2.5 GPA.
9. BFA Design Technology & Production candidates must demonstrate continuous skill development and growth in ALL areas of the BFA Design Technology,& Production Program. A student may be placed on Program Probation for failure to demonstrate continuous skill development and growth in ALL areas of the BFA Design Technology & Production Program. The members of the Design Technology & Production Faculty will provide the student with written information regarding specific areas and skills in question at the time of a student being placed on probation.
10. Upon completion of 60 semester hours, each student is required to contact the Office of Advising and Academic Services to obtain a current evaluation of progress toward completion of the student’s chosen degree program.
11. BFA Design Technology & Production candidates must participate in the annual BFA evaluation semester portfolio review/interviews meetings.
12. BFA Design Technology & Production candidates who wish to participate in job fairs at SETC, USITT, or similar conferences must share their portfolio with faculty & staff and incorporate feed back before participating in the job fair.
13. BFA Design Technology & Production candidates must demonstrate professional behavior at all times. Professional behavior is defined as behavior that supports the creative process. Any behavior that detracts from the creative process can lead to immediate probation and/or dismissal from the BFA Design Technology & Production program.
14. BFA Design Technology & Production candidates must demonstrate respect for their peers, instructors, and for themselves before, during and after classes, rehearsals, and performances.
15. Should a BFA Design Technology & Production candidate be placed on program probation the Design & Production Faculty will provide a written list of conditions, and an explanation of what constitutes meeting said conditions, as well as a time frame for addressing conditions. Failure to meet conditions in the time frame specified could lead to dismissal from the BFA Design Technology & Production Program.
16. If a BFA Design Technology & Production Candidate is unable to attend class, due to illness then the candidate will be unable to attend shop work calls, rehearsal, tech, or performances. Failure to attend work calls, rehearsals, tech or performances may lead to dismissal from a production.
17. In order to maintain a safe and professional working environment, BFA Design Technology & Production candidates are expected to attend classes, shop work, rehearsals, and performances with a clear, sober and focused mind and body. Students suspected to be under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs shall be reported to the Student Conduct Board as well as the Kent City Police Department. They are also subject to immediate program probation or dismissal from the program.
18. Failure to meet any requirement set forth in this document will lead to program probation, and/or program dismissal.
19. In extreme circumstances, student are subject to dismissal from the BFA Design Technology & Production program without being placed on program probation.
20. BFA Design Technology & Production students have to .
Revised Requirements for the MFA Design, Technology, and Production Program
- Since the MFA Design & Technology program requires students to demonstrate his/her profession in each area of Design and Technology through assessment measures beyond academic evaluations, the Design, Technology & Production Faculty of the School of Theatre and Dance has the right to dismiss from the program a student who fails to demonstrate his/her profession to become a competent designer and technologist. This condition will be applied to those who meet academic requirements.
- MFA Design & Technology candidates must comply with the university attendance policy 3-01.2 (effective Jan. 13, 2018).
- MFA Design & Technology candidates are required to involve at least two significant assignments per semester approved by Design Technology & Production faculty and staff.
- MFA Design & Technology candidates are expected to follow the plan of study made by either the area faculty advisor.
- Only the third year MFA Design & Technology students are allowed to take outside of school classes. It must be proved by the area faculty advisor.
- If a MFA Design & Technology candidate earns a A grade of C or lower in a required MFA Design & Technology class, the candidate will automatically be placed on program probation.
- MFA Design & Technology candidates are expected to matriculate in the MFA program by completing program requirements. Failure of any course requires candidates to repeat courses and may interfere with program matriculation, which may result in program probation.
- MFA Design & Technology candidates must successfully complete all course work as determined by the course instructors and as outlined by the course syllabi and maintain a GPA of 3.0 in their major.
- MFA Design & Technology candidates must demonstrate continuous skill development and growth in ALL areas of the MFA Design & Technology Program. A student may be placed on Program Probation for failure to demonstrate continuous skill development and growth in ALL including, but not limited to academic, production, and assistantship areas of the MFA Design & Technology. The members of the Design Technology & Production Faculty will provide the student with written information regarding specific areas and skills in question at the time of a student being placed on probation.
- MFA Design & Technology candidates must participate in the semester review.
- MFA Design & Technology candidates who wish to participate in job fairs at SETC, USITT, or similar conferences must share their portfolio with faculty & staff and incorporate feedback before participating in the job fair.
- MFA Design & Technology candidates must demonstrate professional behavior at all times. Professional behavior is defined as behavior that supports the creative process. Any behavior that detracts from the creative process can lead to immediate probation and/or dismissal from the MFA Design & Technology program.
- MFA Design & Technology candidates must demonstrate respect for their peers, instructors, and for themselves before, during and after classes, rehearsals, and performances.
- Should a MFA Design & Technology candidate be placed on program probation the Design & Production Faculty will provide a written list of conditions, and an explanation of what constitutes meeting said conditions, as well as a time frame for addressing conditions. Failure to meet conditions in the time frame specified could lead to dismissal from the MFA Design & Technology Program.
- If a MFA Design & Technology Candidate is unable to attend class, due to illness then the candidate will be unable to attend shop work calls, rehearsal, tech, or performances. Failure to attend work calls, rehearsals, tech or performances may lead to dismissal from a production.
- In order to maintain a safe and professional working environment, MFA Design & Technology candidates are expected to attend classes, shop work, rehearsals, and performances with a clear, sober and focused mind and body. Students suspected to be under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs shall be reported to the Student Conduct Board as well as the Kent City Police Department. They are also subject to immediate program probation or dismissal from the program.
- Failure to meet any requirement set forth in this document will lead to program probation, and/or program dismissal.
- In Students are subject to dismissal from the MFA Design & Technology program without being placed on program probation.
- Students are required to remain in residence for the three years to complete the program (excluding, if appropriate, the internship).
- The topic of each M.F.A. candidate’s culminating project may be proposed by the candidate and based on faculty feedback from yearly portfolio and academic assessments. The culminating project must be approved by the faculty advisor. The student will register for THEA 61310 for the student’s project assignment. The process is then documented in a format appropriate for the project and presented to the faculty advisor.
- MFA Design & Technology students have to review .
Residency Requirement
- Students are required to remain in residence for the three years to complete the program (excluding, if appropriate, the internship).
- At a minimum, design/technology students must complete at least one significant production assignment and work on one other production each semester.
- Students may not undertake any work outside the School of Theatre and Dance without petitioning the appropriate area faculty and receiving written permission prior to interviewing.
Graduation Requirements
- The Design/Technology concentrations are an intensive, three-year, professional training program requiring the completion of 60 hours of graduate credit depending on the area of concentration.
- The culminating project requirements for the Design and Technology concentrations include: documentation, portfolio presentation and an exit interview. Documentation consists of a design analysis, process journal, relevant research and other supporting materials (photos, links to the candidate’s website, etc). The scope of work may include but not necessarily be limited to, evidence of research, drawing and drafting, rendering and associated digital image, video or audio files, which will be presented at an exit interview.
- The topic of each M.F.A. candidate’s culminating project may be proposed by the candidate and based on faculty feedback from yearly portfolio and academic assessments. The culminating project must be approved by the faculty advisor. The student will register for THEA 61310 for the student’s project assignment. The process is then documented in a format appropriate for the project and presented to the faculty advisor.
BFA Design, Technology, and Production Portfolio/Yearly Review Requirements
Goal of Portfolio
- Showcase your class and production work from the past year to show the growth and development as a theatre artist. As well as beginning to curate your portfolio, this is a time for you to show the faculty the portfolio you intend to use for SETC, USITT, or other job interviews.
- This process is a prerequisite for continuing in the program.
- The composition of a review includes a minimum of two advisor members that should include the student’s major academic faculty advisor and supervisors. It is appropriate for other faculty members to be part of the review if they have worked directly with the student on a production or class.
Required Materials
- All class work—everything from sketches, research, revisions, and final projects.
- Production work—if you designed or built a special project, include process and final photos.
- Final Updated Production Book- Please talk with your advisor for details.
- Examples:
- Costume Designer: Bible
- Master Electrician: ME Book
- Lighting Designer: Lighting Book
- Stage Management: Prompt Book
- Examples:
- Updated Portfolios
- Bring at least 4 copies of your updated resume and updated cover letter.
- Evaluation letters from Summer Internship job.
- Hard copy and Digital
Display the process for all projects
Each student will have 15 minutes to present their portfolio, there will be 10 minutes of feedback from the faculty and staff.
Everything should look cohesive
- Hardcopy Portfolio could include the following items:
Lighting Area
- Lighting book that includes all of production information such as scenery, costume, final production photos, research of productions, drafting, paper work, budget list, special rental list, rehearsal log, focus plan and renderings if you have one.
- Resumes
- Cover letter
- Other classwork
Sound Area
- Drafting, Routing Paperwork, Shop Orders
- Cue sheets, Design Concepts, Sample Cues (audio)
- Resumes
- Cover letter
- Other classwork
Costume Area
- Renderings
- Construction drawings, process photos, and finished piece photos of pieces you built
- Paperwork (piece lists, garment breakdowns, check-in sheets)
- Resumes
- Cover letter
- Other classwork
Scenery, Props, and Painting Area
- Drafting package, if you designed or TD’ed show
- Paint elevations and photos of process and finished production pieces
- Prop drawings and photos of process and finished pieces
- Construction drawings, process photos, and finished piece photos of scenic pieces you built.
- Resumes
- Cover letter
- Other classwork
Other Information and Requirements
- There will be a sign-up sheet for each area’s portfolio review.
- Think of this as a job interview: dress appropriately; present your stuff with pride, and professional artistic aesthetic.
- BFA DT & P Program candidates are required to work for all theatre division main stage productions and assigned by DT & P Faculty.
- A student may be placed on Program Probation for failure to demonstrate continuous skill development and growth in ALL areas of the BFA DT & P Program.
- The members of the DT & P Faculty will provide the student with written information regarding specific areas and skills in question at the time of a student being placed on probation.
- Students are subject to dismissal from the BFA DT & P Program without being placed on program probation.
- BFA DT & P program candidates are expected to follow the GPS roadmap for the BFA DT & P Program unless exceptions are made by either the College or School advisor.
- If a BFA DT & P Program candidate fails a required DT & P theatre core class, the candidate will automatically be placed on program probation.
- BFA DT & P Program candidates are expected to matriculate in the BFA program by completing program requirements and Kent Core requirements. Failure of any course requires candidates to repeat courses and may interfere with program matriculation, which may result in program probation.
- BFA DT & P Program candidates must successfully complete all course work as determined by the course instructors and as outlined by the course syllabi and maintain a GPA of 2.5 in their major.
- BFA DT & P Program candidates on academic probation may not participate in School of Theatre and Dance productions. Students may be dropped from the program for failure to maintain a 2.0 GPA.
- Juniors and Seniors should apply for at least 3 summer jobs by the end of Fall semester.
- Be selective in preparing your presentation. Portfolios should include the best examples of your work and design capabilities, as well as some of your process.
- Job Interviewers want to see your skills and abilities in design more than they want to see how well you can set up a nice portfolio. They look for quality, not quantity.
- The portfolio should be organized and neat, but please no scrap booking! Portfolio materials should be clean and presented to their best advantage e.g., matted, mounted, etc. when appropriate
- Your work should speak for itself, but be prepared to answer questions about your process and to explain your design ideas. If asked about a production, assume that the person is familiar with the plots of most classic and current drama. Outline the plot if you have designed an obscure or new play, but only explain as much as is necessary to understand your design idea and/or choices.
- Identify work as a class project or realized production with play title, producer (organization or class), and date.
- Reflect your area of future concentration and interest in the portfolio you present. If you have a produced design, show examples of your process drawings and the development of the project to the finished product on-stage. Document the evolution of a complex technical project through a series of photographs.
- Use photos with accurate color development. Select photos that are not repetitive and show your work clearly. At least one full stage shot of a setting and full figure shots of characters in costume are expected.
- It is a good idea to have examples of non-theater work reflecting your taste and abilities e.g., graphic arts projects; life drawings; or examples of photography. It is not necessary to bring three- dimensional objects, but a well-built set model, costume, property or example of related craft work is acceptable. Photos of three-dimensional work may also be included.
MFA Design, Technology and Production Review Guidelines
General Notes
- Design, Technology, and Production reviews are conducted for all M.F.A. Design, Technology, and Production graduate students. This process is a prerequisite for continuing in the program.
- These reviews are held at the end of each semester during the final exam period.
- This is a professional review. Please wear appropriate clothes.
Goal of Review
- To evaluate your growth and development as a theatre artist from your classwork and production work.
Who will be reviewing
- A review panel consists of at least two advisors, including the student’s faculty advisor in their concentration and assistantship-related advisor. It is appropriate for other faculty members to be part of the review if they have worked directly with the student on a production or in class.
- A student may be placed on Program Probation for failure to demonstrate continuous skill development and growth in ALL areas of the M.F.A. Design, Technology, and Production program.
- The Design, Technology, and Production faculty members will provide the student with written comments on specific areas and skills to be improved when a student is placed on probation.
Required materials
- Classwork – Ex. Rendering and Drafting.
- Updated Resumes and CV – CV is required only for the 2nd year and 3rd year students.
- Updated production book – Ex. lighting book, costume bible and scenery package.
- Updated portfolio – Digital and hard copies of portfolios are required for 2nd- and 3rd-year students.
- Evaluation letters from summer internship jobs.
Design, Technology and Production Outside Activity Permission Form
Students in the M.F.A. in Design, Technology and Production must seek permission to participate in productions and activities outside of the School of Theatre and Dance.
Before accepting any production assignment or ongoing activity outside of the School of Theatre and Dance, the following form must be submitted to and approved. In addition, students requesting professional days must also clear dates with their respective instructors. Professional days, if approved, allow students to miss classes without penalty.
Professional days comprise activities directly related to the major’s pursuit of professional development and future employment outside of the School of Theatre and Dance. These activities include auditions, interviews, conferences, master classes, and so forth.
If you have questions regarding the permission form and approval process, please contact Jakyung Seo at or Dr. Yuko Kurahashi at
For Theatre Performance Students
Musical Theatre Outside Permission Form
Students in the B.F.A. Musical Theatre program must seek permission to participate in productions outside the Theatre department.
Before auditioning for or accepting any production work outside the Theatre department, the following form must be submitted to and approved by the Performance Area. Forms fully completed and submitted by noon on Thursday will be deliberated on the succeeding Friday that the university is in session. (Effective October 1, 2018)
If you have questions regarding the permission form and approval process, please contact Amy Fritsche at or 330-672-0112.
Revised Requirements for the BFA Musical Theatre Program
Effective October 1, 2018
1. Since the BFA Musical Theatre Program requires students to demonstrate potential in all areas of musical theatre through assessment measures beyond academic evaluations, The Acting Faculty of the School of Theatre and Dance has the right to dismiss from the program a student who fails to demonstrate potential to become a competent performer. This condition will be applied to those who meet academic requirements.
2. BFA Musical Theatre candidates must comply with the university attendance policy 3-01.2 (effective Jan. 13, 2014).
3. BFA Musical Theatre candidates are required to audition for all theatre division main stage productions and accept roles if cast. Exemptions to the audition requirement may be granted under certain circumstances. Circumstances include but are not limited to: religious beliefs, moral objection, psychological triggers with the play, and physical concerns. In order to be exempted from the audition requirement, students must submit a written petition to the performance faculty prior to the beginning of the casting process for the production in question. The performance faculty will make a good faith effort to deliberate and come to a decision on the petition at the first performance area meeting after the receipt of the petition. At no point will a student be asked to disclose sensitive personal information.
4. BFA Musical Theatre candidates are expected to follow the GPS roadmap for the BFA Musical Theatre Program unless exceptions are made by either the College or School advisor.
5. If a BFA Musical Theatre candidate fails a required musical theatre core class, the candidate will automatically be placed on program probation.
6. BFA Musical Theatre candidates are expected to matriculate in the BFA program by completing program requirements and Kent Core requirements. Failure of any course requires candidates to repeat courses and may interfere with program matriculation, which may result in program probation.
7. BFA Musical Theatre candidates must successfully complete all course work as determined by the course instructors and as outlined by the course syllabi and maintain a GPA of 2.5 in their major. Students may be dismissed from the program for failure to maintain a 2.5 GPA in their major.
8. BFA Musical Theatre candidates on academic and/or programmatic probation may not participate in School of Theatre and Dance productions or outside productions.
9. BFA Musical Theatre candidates must demonstrate continuous skill development and growth in ALL areas of the BFA Musical Theatre Program. A student may be placed on program probation for failure to demonstrate continuous skill development and growth in ALL areas of the BFA Musical Theatre Program. The members of the Acting Faculty will provide the student with written information regarding specific areas and skills in question at the time of a student being placed on probation.
10. A freshman BFA Musical Theatre student may only participate in one (1) production per semester.
11. All BFA Musical Theatre candidates must petition the acting faculty for permission before auditioning for any production outside the Theatre Division of the KSU School of Theatre and Dance.
12. Upon completion of 60 semester hours, each student is required to contact the Office of Advising and Academic Services to obtain a current evaluation of progress toward completion of the student’s chosen degree program.
13. BFA Musical Theatre candidates must participate in the annual School of Theatre and Dance, СƬƵ, screening auditions.
14. BFA Musical Theatre candidates who qualify for unified auditions, through the aforementioned screening auditions, must participate in at least 1 of the approved auditions each year.
15. BFA Musical Theatre candidates must participate in the annual BFA evaluation interviews/meetings.
16. BFA Musical Theatre candidates must demonstrate professional behavior at all times. Professional behavior is defined as behavior that supports the creative process. Any behavior that detracts from the creative process can lead to immediate probation and/or dismissal from the BFA Musical Theatre program.
17. BFA Musical Theatre candidates must demonstrate respect for their peers, instructors, and for themselves before, during and after classes, rehearsals, and performances.
18. BFA Musical Theatre candidates MUST secure, via the audition process, at least one role of significance in order to graduate. The role of significance must be approved by the Acting Faculty.
19. Should a BFA Musical Theatre candidate be placed on program probation the Acting Faculty will provide a written list of conditions, and an explanation of what constitutes meeting said conditions, as well as a time frame for addressing said conditions. Failure to meet conditions in the time frame specified could lead to dismissal from the BFA Musical Theatre Program.
20. If a BFA Musical Theatre candidate is unable to attend class due to illness, then the candidate will be unable to attend rehearsal. Failure to attend rehearsals may lead to dismissal from a production.
21. In order to maintain a safe and professional working environment, BFA Musical Theatre candidates are expected to attend classes, rehearsals, and performances with a clear, sober and focused mind and body. Students suspected to be under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs are subject to immediate program probation or dismissal from the program and shall be reported to the Student Conduct Board as well as the Kent City Police Department. They are also subject to immediate program probation or dismissal from the program.
22. Failure to meet any requirement set forth in this document will lead to program probation, and/or program dismissal.
23. In extreme circumstances, a BFA Musical Theatre candidate may be dismissed from the program without probation.
24. Any request, petition, or other action for consideration by the acting faculty must be presented at least one week prior to the event or deadline.
For Faculty and Graduate Assistants
Guest Artist Submission Form
Guidelines and Process for Guest Artists
In the commitment to increase diversity and dismantle racist practices, supported Guest Artists must be Black, LatinX or People of color to enhances the cultural, social, and intellectual experiences of the community. All costs (travel, lodging, honorariums, etc.) and activities (class visits, Q & A’s, demonstrations, or performances) must be discussed and approved by Director before any announcements may be shared with students/ public.
Director will keep Guest Artist Committee appraised as to available funds.
Guidelines for guest artist Visits
There are two primary ways that guest artists are secured:
- A faculty, student or staff member proposes a guest to their areas (either for specific classes or to benefit their area in general) and extends invitations to the guest and shepherds the proposal process through their area, and also serves as host for the guest’s visit.
- A guest (often an alum) contacts faculty and offers to teach or speak while visiting Kent and will pay their own expenses, expecting no honorarium. It necessary to file a proposal form, but we do want to keep track of visitors. The area may still decide to offer some sort of compensation, but within guidelines below.
* Special situations regarding alumni-initiated visits: Alumni often drop in for visits and enjoy participating in classes on an informal basis. These visits are appreciated but not financially supported unless arrangements are made in advance through the guest artist process through each Area (D/T, Performance, DAN).
Persons proposing a guest artist will be expected to serve as the guest’s ”Host” or liaison during the visit, as well as primary promoter, cheerleader, and translator, if needed.
Guests with School-wide Impact
Areas who pursue guest artist initiatives that have a school-wide impact should also be considered as guests for specific school/ College supported programs, i.e. Schroth series, Roe Green Guest Director series, Armstrong Family series, Ferris Dance series.
- Proposals should be approved by the Guest Artist Committee two weeks prior to the anticipated visit.
- Decision of the Guest Artist committee is determined and final outcome shared by School Director.
- Proposals approved by the areas or Leadership Team are submitted to the coordinator of theatre operations for payment and travel arrangements as soon as they are approved (or denied).
Guidelines for determining average costs for faculty/area-initiated visits*:
- 50 minutes: $50.00
- 75 minutes: $75.00
- 110 minutes: $110.00
- 180 minutes: $180.00
- 240 minutes: $375.00
- Will lodging be offered?
- Will travel reimbursement be offered or payment of a bus ticket? Use university mileage rates, etc.
- Will any meals be offered? Please stay within per diem guidelines and College policies.
- Will there be any supply costs for the session
Contract and Checklist
Handbooks and Other Guidelines
Undergraduate and Graduate Student Guidelines
School of Theatre and Dance Student Handbook
The School of Theatre and Dance has formulated undergraduate and graduate student guidelines to help students excel during their time at СƬƵ. The guidelines include important information and policies for all School of Theatre and Dance students as well as program-specific information.
Stage Management Handbook
Student Production Handbook
Graduate Student Guidelines
MFA Design Technology and Production Semester Review Guidelines
MFA Design Technology and Production Culminating Project Syllabus
Faculty and Graduate Assistant Handbooks and Guidelines
Faculty and Staff Handbook
Art of Theatre Guidelines