Digital Communications

Information can be shared with the university community in various ways and the type of information will generally dictate which vehicle is best. 


University Calendar

The university calendar populates multiple platforms, including:

  • KSUMobile
  • FlashLine, where university community members may select preferred calendar categories.  
  • The public website at www.kent.edu/calendars, where visitors may filter on event categories.

Other Communication Vehicles & Requests

Whether you are hoping to share a student's success story or need to announce an important deadline, you can reach a wide variety of audiences using these platforms:   

Email or FlashLine

Leveraging email or FlashLine as the distribution method for your messaging enables you to reach all members of the university community or a segmented audience, such as faculty, staff or students.


Email requests must be comprised of information deemed as official university business and must meet specific criteria.

Learn С»ÆƬÊÓƵ Email Criteria, Requirements & Approvals


The benefit of considering a FlashLine notification (content behind the red bell in the masthead) or a FlashLine banner is the ability to segment the audience you share information with.

View FlashLine Banner Specifications

С»ÆƬÊÓƵ Website

You may have noticed that С»ÆƬÊÓƵ promotes upcoming events, news, and student, faculty and staff success stories on its website as a way of communicating with the university and external community. They are highlighted on the website as either a:

The following criteria must be met:

  • Appeal to the designated audience
  • Request includes a web page or website to link to for more information (can be a С»ÆƬÊÓƵ page or external page)
  • Request is submitted 1 week before requested publication

*Note: Due to required preparation time, С»ÆƬÊÓƵ website requests must be submitted 1 week in advance of the requested publication date to be considered.  Events and news must meet certain criteria and, due to timing and competing events, all requests may not be honored.

Contact the Website Director

Faculty/Staff News Now Website (non-events)

Faculty and staff related news is promoted on the Human Resources Faculty/Staff News Now website.

*Note: Due to required preparation time, requests must be submitted  1 week  in advance of the requested publication date to be considered. 

Contact Fac/Staff News Now 

С»ÆƬÊÓƵ Social Media Networks

,  ,  and other pages include posts about major news and success stories. Because some social media sites will punish a page for making posts that don't garner a lot of interaction, UCM will determine which channels a post is appropriate for based on past experiences with a post of that type.

*Note: Social media requests should be submitted at least  1 week (7 days)  in advance of requested publication.

Contact the Social Media Community Manager 

С»ÆƬÊÓƵ Media Relations

A key element in any marketing effort is news coverage. Our media relations professionals seek ways to generate coverage that will enhance the image of С»ÆƬÊÓƵ. Depending on the story, we aim beyond the local to regional, national and international media, including print, broadcast and the Internet.  

We invite you to contact us with information about your research, special activities and events. While we can't promise coverage of every event, we will assess the newsworthiness of activities and, depending on the story and timing, we can:

  • Write and distribute a news release and include it on the For the Media web page.
  • Use a news release that you provide and include it on the For the Media web page (note that your release may be subject to editing).

Sometimes the interest in a story or event may be to a specialized or limited audience, even within an academic area. We're happy to work with you to determine the appropriate audience for your message, or the appropriate message for your audience. For other services provided by University Communications and Marketing Media Relations, please visit the  Media Relations page .

Contact the Media Relations Director  

Submit your news story  

In each instance, use the communication request form below to submit your information. The below Communication Request form will route to the appropriate platform's editor.


Communication Request Form