Email Feedback


Our Email Feedback Sessions are closed for Spring Recess. We will reopen the email feedback submission link on Monday, 3/17/25, at 9AM. Have a safe and restful break!



Want help with an assignment, but don't have time for a session? No problem. We've got you!

Email Feedback appointments allow you to receive feedback on your writing without having to come to the Writing Commons. Email appointment slots fill up quickly! We recommend that you schedule at least a week in advance of your deadline.

We will send you an email to confirm the date and time when one of our writing consultants will read your draft and provide feedback. You do NOT need to be present with the writing consultant when feedback is provided. This type of session is asynchronous.

IMPORTANT: We will assign a writing consultant to read your work at a specific time during their shift.  This means you may see an upcoming appointment in the Navigate app after we schedule your work for feedback.  Please do not cancel that appointment.  Your feedback will be emailed to you soon after that time!


Email Feedback is closed when the Writing Commons is closed. Submissions received when the office is closed will be processed as soon as possible upon reopening.