Before Studying Abroad
Studying abroad involves a lot of careful planning, so the sooner you start, the better.
We recommend that you begin the process at least a year in advance, but if you want to go abroad sooner, then don’t get discouraged! Regardless of when you study abroad, our offices are open year-round and we are here to help you make the most of your international experience.

How to Successfully Prepare to Study Abroad
The information below outlines the preparation process for studying abroad. These steps are not meant to be linear and can be completed in any order.
Pre-Departure Orientation
Attend our Comprehensive Seminars Before you Leave the United States
Prior to your departure, all students are required to participate in a mandatory pre-departure orientation hosted by the Office of Global Education. During this session, you will be provided with information including but not limited to:
- International travel procedures;
- In-country resources;
- Health and safety resources;
- Culture shock and resources to help prepare for living abroad;
- Financial aid information;
- Packing and travel tips.
For some programs, you’ll also have extra orientations either before or upon arrival. Regardless of your program, we aim to provide you with many resources before you leave the U.S. so you can feel prepared.
Quick Tips
Here are a few more things to consider before you travel abroad:
- Take pictures and videos, but remember to put the phone down and enjoy where you are!
- Get comfortable being uncomfortable. Things will be different and although that can feel frustrating or scary, it’s actually a great experience because you’ll develop new skills like grit and resilience.
All students are encouraged to register with the prior to departure.