Education Abroad Funding

Studying Abroad: More Affordable Than You Think!

There’s lots of support to help you make your international dreams a reality.

A student looking out at the city of Florence, Italy.
$1,000,000+ in scholarships are available each year to support study abroad students
100+ available scholarships
98% of students receive aid to go abroad

Resources to Help Fund Your Education Abroad


CeeJay riding a camel in Egypt.
CeeJay Scott
Digital Media Production and Filmmaking

CeeJay received a $5,000 scholarship from the Fund for Education Abroad (FEA). The Washington, D.C.-based nonprofit organization provides scholarships to students with financial need who are underrepresented among the U.S. study-abroad population, including students of color, community college students and first-generation college students.

“I encourage students from any different type of background to reach out and don’t give up hope on the potential to broaden your horizons with study abroad,” he said. “I feel like a lack of hope will prevent a lot of people from at least trying, at least aiming for it. Don’t let your surroundings or your background hinder how far you can go.” 

Meet With Your Advisors

There are so many people here at СƬƵ who can help you find and prepare for a remarkable experience abroad. 

Make an appointment with your Education Abroad Advisor for personalized advice about study abroad logistics, and contact the Financial, Billing and Enrollment Center for advice on your financial aid and scholarships.