Nursing & Healthcare Management Clinical Rotation Descriptions

Nursing and Health Care Management Practicum I (NURS 64292)

Fall Semester â€“ Taken concurrently with NURS 64202 Seminar I

NURS 64292 Course Description: Application of principles of leadership and management introduced in NURS 64202 Nursing and Healthcare Management Seminar I and in other program courses.  Students acquire competencies related to leading others in a health care organization.

NURS 64292 Course Objectives

  1. Observe, inquire into, and participate in the role of the health care or nurse leader, with a focus on leader’s philosophy, role functions, skills, knowledge, competencies and behaviors specific to the context.
  2. Using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and the Emotional Competency Framework, examine selected elements of individual behavior that promote positive working and leading relationships with others.
  3. Explore and apply concepts of interactive and work group behavior pertaining to relevant work units and management environments in health care organizations.
  4. Develop understanding of selected management theories fundamental to functioning as a leader and collaborating effectively intra-and inter-professionally (e.g. peers, supervisees, managers, and other members of health care teams).
  5. Examine selected concepts of organizational, management, policy, process, and systems theory pertinent to leadership in health settings and reflect knowledge application in practicum journals.
  6. Address individual learning objectives developed for the practicum experience.
  7. Successfully complete a substantive management project of value to the practicum site.
  8. Demonstrate effective written and oral communication skills.
  9. Integrate ethical awareness and current research into course and practicum activities.

Ideal clinical site (150 hours)

Students should think about career goals and seek a preceptor who is practicing at a level one or two positions higher than the student’s current or most recent position. In consultation with the course instructor or concentration coordinator, the student selects the agency, leader or manager preceptor, and type of management experience appropriate for his/her career interests and stage of professional development. Preceptors must have a minimum of a masters degree (MSN preferred), and be an exemplary role models. In making the selection, the student should consider: preceptor interest and availability; access to key meetings and forums for observing agency processes and decision making; availability of potentially challenging projects within the setting; and the value of the setting in giving the student a career-relevant experience different from his/her own background. In addition to observing the preceptor and learning about his/her role, and as a focal part of the experience, the student undertakes a substantive project or management study for the site.

Students are encouraged to seek a practicum site that will allow access to resources needed for the learning experience.  This generally requires looking beyond one’s current unit or department and perhaps outside of one’s current employing institution. Time spent at the practicum site will average 10 hours per week, though onsite practicum hours may vary weekly depending on the needs, opportunities, and constraints of the placement organization, and the student’s or preceptor’s schedule.

Nursing and Health Care Management Practicum II (NURS 64392)

Spring Semester - Taken concurrently with NURS 64302 Seminar II

NURS 64392 Course Description: Capstone clinical practicum with application of principles of leadership and management introduced in NURS 64302 Nursing and Health Care Management Seminar and throughout the program.  Students acquire competencies in leadership in health care organizations.

NURS 64392 Course Objectives

  1. Develop insight into the leader’s role, knowledge, competencies, skills and behaviors in guiding and shaping the health care organization and system through completion of a practice experience with a nurse or health care leader.
  2. Apply and synthesize knowledge of leadership and management from previous courses and current learning and document understanding through the use of a professional journal.
  3. Successfully complete a substantive management project of value to the practicum site.
  4. Address individual learning objectives developed for the practicum experience in class, clinical experience and journal activity.
  5. Demonstrate effective written and oral communication skills as evidenced by utilization of effective power point presentation in class, completion of an APA style focused journal experience and completion of a management project with preceptor.
  6. Integrate ethical awareness and current research into course and practicum activities as evidenced by reflection within journal, professional comportment within clinical practicum and class conduct.

Ideal clinical site (150 hours):

In a selected healthcare setting, the student works closely with a leader and/manager/administrator to gain insight into that person’s role, knowledge, competencies, skills and behaviors.  Preceptors must be masters-prepared (MSN preferred). The selection of a preceptor and site is based on the student’s individual learning and development needs; students may retain their N65092 preceptors or begin with a new leader. The student learns about healthcare leadership from the preceptor while considering the leader’s fit within the specific organizational context and the present challenges of organization-environment and strategy issues.

Special focus this semester will be on the concepts of practices of leadership. Class readings and dialogue with local nurse leaders/preceptors will provide a theoretical and practical exploration of leadership. Additionally, the course will focus on selected current health care and management topics of interest (e.g. conflict management, organizational
structure and politics, data integration).

It is expected that students continue to conceptualize organizations at the individual/interpersonal, work group, organizational and health system levels.  Students actively apply knowledge from previous learning, including both coursework and practicum experiences, and reflect that application in their written journals. Seminar assignments and discussions will complement field experiences. Time spent at the practicum site will average 10 hours per week, though onsite practicum hours may vary weekly depending on the needs, opportunities, and constraints of the placement organization, and the student’s or preceptor’s schedule.