小黄片视频 remains committed to being a diverse, inclusive, and equitable workplace. The staffers listed below have been selected to participate in the Anti-Bias workshops in support of this commitment.
Participants are required to attend all five sessions and submit reflections for each session before receiving a $1,000 stipend. All sessions are synchronous and will be held virtually. All courses must be completed in the timeframe allotted. There will no make-up sessions.
James | Andrassy | Intercollegiate Athletics |
Brenda | Augusta | Academic Affairs |
Meagan | Blake | Student Affairs |
Keith | Boggs | Informational Technology |
Brenda | Boykin | Finance and Administration |
Winnie | Bush | Student Affairs |
Dornetta | Campbell-Curgil | Enrollment Management |
Mark | Carbone | Enrollment Management |
Todd | Carpenter | Finance and Administration |
Michelle | Casto | Enrollment Management |
Ava | Chaney | Student Affairs |
Patricia | Deeb | Academic Affairs |
LaTesha | Dukes | Philanthropy and Alumni Engagement |
Antonette | Ferritto | Academic Affairs |
Kelsie | Fezell | University Relations |
Chris | Fornadel | Philanthropy and Alumni Engagement |
Anita | Francisco | Academic Affairs |
Lisa | Fry | Student Affairs |
Terri | Harmon | Academic Affairs |
Dale | Holcomb | Finance and Administration |
Ben | Hollis | Academic Affairs |
Angela | Jackson | Human Resources |
Sherle | Johnson-Moore | Academic Affairs |
Cynthia | Jones | Enrollment Management |
Norma | Karam | Human Resources |
Leslie | Langenfeld | Student Affairs |
Elizabeth | Lee | Human Resources |
Melissa | Lott | Finance and Administration |
Ian | Lucas | Academic Affairs |
Sarah | Malcolm | Academic Affairs |
Babacar | Mbaye | Academic Affairs |
Joshua | Miller | University Relations |
Anthony | Mozer | Finance and Administration |
Andrew | Palmer | Academic Affairs |
Joe | Richardson | Human Resources |
Joshua | Rider | Student Affairs |
Carmen | Roberts | Finance and Administration |
Janell | Ryan | Finance and Administration |
Cynthia | Schalmo | Enrollment Management |
Sarah | Schmidt | Academic Affairs |
Debra | Schneider | Academic Affairs |
Denise | Seachrist | Academic Affairs |
Sara | Smith | University Relations |
Stephanie | Snyder | Academic Affairs |
Karol | Spano | University Relations |
Richard | Thomas | Academic Affairs |
Julie | Vandegrift | Philanthropy and Alumni Engagement |
Jenefer | Villanueva | Student Affairs |
Hao | Wang | Research and Sponsored Programs |
Lu | Zou | Academic Affairs |
Session 1: What is Equity?
Tuesday, July 6th 10 a.m. - noon
Session 2: Recognizing Bias & Addressing Microaggressions
Wednesday, July 14th 10 a.m. - noon
Session 3: Understanding Race, Racism and Anti-Racism
Tuesday, July 20th 10 a.m. - noon
Session 4: Safe Space Ally Training
Tuesday, August 3rd 10 a.m. - noon
Session 5: Creating an Inclusive Workplace
Wednesday, August 11th 10 a.m. - noon.
Thank you for your commitment in making Ken State a more diverse, inclusive and equitable workplace.
Selected participants can contact Training and Development at hrd@kent.edu, or the Division of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at diversity@kent.edu if you have any questions or concerns.