Financial Aid Checklist
For New, Current or Transfer Students in Undergraduate or Graduate Programs
As a new, transferring or returning undergraduate or graduate student, we encourage you to explore your financial aid options, including loans, grants, scholarships and other tuition assistance.
Follow our step-by-step checklist to get started.

Other Financial Scenarios
If you have unique circumstance related to your financial aid eligibility or award, — such as a Verification or Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) requirement, summer financial aid or transferring — you can find answers to those questions and more below.
- Aid Recalculation Due to Enrollment Activities (such as withdrawing from a class, repeating coursework, adding a class and academic leaves)
- Education Abroad and Financial Aid
- Financial Aid Ad Hoc Consortium Agreement
- Post Undergraduate, Graduate Non-Degree, Undeclared or Combined Students
- Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)
- Special Circumstances
- Summer Financial Aid
- Transfer Students
- Verification