Forms & Requests
Every form in one place.
Whether you're a current or former student or a parent or advocate, we provide convenient access to all forms below. Please carefully review the instructions on each form, ensuring that all required documentation is ready for attachment.

Find Your Form
All requests and forms pertaining to billing and payments, scholarships and financial aid, and registration and records can be accessed below. Some forms are completed digitally and some are completed manually. Each form type is identified in the description and you can learn more about how to complete specific types of forms by visiting our form instructions.
Some forms are year-specific, please note this when selecting your form to ensure you are filling out the correct year's form.
- +1098-T Rescindment
1098-T Rescindment - (PDF)
Use this form to withdrawal your consent for receiving the 1098-T form electronically.
Complete Form - +Ad Hoc Consortium Agreement Form - 2024–2025
Ad Hoc Consortium Agreement Form - 2024–2025 - (Dynamic Form)
This agreement between two eligible institutions will allow you to receive Title IV aid while visiting one of the institutions. The 2024-2025 academic year includes Summer 2024, Fall 2024 and/or Spring 2025.
You should also submit a transfer course planning form with the Registrar.
- Learn more about the Ad Hoc Consortium Agreement
- +Application for Ohio's OTC Degree Pathway Credit - Current Student
Application for Ohio's OTC Degree Pathway Credit - Current Student - (Dynamic Form)
This form is used to request an evaluation for a student’s eligibility for Ohio’s OTC Degree Pathway articulation policy. If approved, student will be awarded up to 30 college technical credit hours towards an ATS degree. The industry-recognized credential and transcript of the 600 to 900- hour program of study must be attached.
To confirm what credentials you need to submit for credit, search for your .
- On that page, you will find links to each program pathway that take you to an informational pdf document. The required credential will be listed under the section “Recommendation” within that document.
This form is for current students.- Learn more about OTC Degree Pathway.
- +Application for Undergraduate Reenrollment
Application for Undergraduate Reenrollment - (СƬƵ Applicant Portal)
The Application for Undergraduate Reenrollment is for use by students who have previously attended СƬƵ as an undergraduate student, and would like to return as an undergraduate student.
- Learn more about Reenrollment & Reinstatement
- +Change of Address and Phone Number
Change of Address and Phone Number - (FlashLine)
It is the responsibility of the student to update or correct their address information through FlashFAST. Every student must have a permanent address on file.
Log into FlashLine, then click on Settings to access Addresses & Phone Numbers in the Secure Account Access Section. Use the links in this channel to view and update addresses currently listed in the student information system. Students can update permanent, local, billing, diploma, and emergency contact addresses. Click the edit icon, make changes to any Current address then click Update.
If you wish to remove your phone number from appearing in the online Phone Directory, log into FlashLine, then click on Settings to access Addresses & Phone Numbers in the Secure Account Access Section. Click the edit icon, check the Unlisted box for each phone number you want unlisted and click Update.
- Learn more about updating your personal information.
- +Charles Schell Loan - 2024–2025
Charles Schell Loan - 2024–2025 - (Dynamic Form)
Applicants for the Schell Loan must meet all criteria on the application at the time of application. Incoming Freshmen are not eligible for a Charles Schell Loan. Annual maximum award is $3000.
- Learn more about loans.
- +Chosen Name Request
Chosen Name Request - (FlashLine)
Chosen name is not required, but an option. We recognize that some students use a name other than their legal name to identify themselves. Students may submit a chosen name through FlashLine. Click on Settings to access Chosen Name, Pronouns, and/or Gender Identity Requests in the Secure Account Access Section.
- Learn more about requesting a chosen name.
- +Citizenship Affidavit Certification Form - 2024–2025
Citizenship Affidavit Certification Form - 2024–2025 - (PDF)
This form is for the collection of Department of Homeland Security or other U.S. citizenship/nationality documents from students who are unable to present their documents in person at the Financial, Billing and Enrollment Center or a СƬƵ Regional Campus student services area. The student must complete this form in the presence of a Notary, who must notarize it on the second page of the form.
- Learn more about verification.
Complete Form - +Citizenship Affidavit Certification Form - 2025–2026
Citizenship Affidavit Certification Form - 2025–2026 - (PDF)
This form is for the collection of Department of Homeland Security or other U.S. citizenship/nationality documents from students who are unable to present their documents in person at the Financial, Billing and Enrollment Center or a СƬƵ Regional Campus student services area. The student must complete this form in the presence of a Notary, who must notarize it on the second page of the form.
- Learn more about verification.
Complete Form - +Combined Bachelor’s/Master’s Degree Program Form - 2024–2025
Combined Bachelor’s/Master’s Degree Program Form - 2024–2025 - (Email)
Combined Bachelor’s and Master’s degree program students are students who are pursuing their first Bachelor’s degree and a Master’s degree concurrently during a semester. To be considered for full federal financial aid eligibility, students must submit a Combined Bachelor’s/Master's Degree Program form. This form must be retrieved from your Graduate Coordinator and submitted to the Financial, Billing and Enrollment Center.
- Learn more about the Combined Bachelor’s/Master’s Degree Program
- +Cost of Attendance Increase Application - 2024–2025
Cost of Attendance Increase Application - 2024–2025 - (Dynamic Form)
Cost of Attendance increase requests require you to select the type of expense you will incur. Expenses that will be considered are tuition & fees/room & board, childcare expenses, computer expenses (up to $2500 following purchaser’s receipt), and other educational expenses.
Note: Please complete the Cost of Attendance Increase FLIGHT Application if you have flight expenses.
- Learn more about Cost of Attendance.
- +Cost of Attendance Increase FLIGHT Application - 2024–2025
Cost of Attendance Increase FLIGHT Application - 2024–2025 - (Dynamic Form)
The Cost of Attendance Increase FLIGHT Application form is for those students who incur additional expenses in the flight program. Complete this form ONLY if your current cost of attendance is not an accurate representation of your actual costs/charges.
- Learn more about cost of attendance.
- +Credit By Exam Application
Credit By Exam Application - (PDF)
Students may earn credit in courses through Credit-By-Examination (CBE) based on knowledge in a subject area. To pursue CBE, students apply for permission, complete an exam administered by the academic department, and meet a minimum passing standard. Only credit hours, not letter grades, are recorded on the transcript. CBE is for enrolled degree-seeking СƬƵ students, with exceptions. It can't fulfill the resident requirement. Eligibility criteria include no prior enrollment or grade, withdrawals, or attempts at CBE or CLEP for the course. Fees are non-refundable, and credit by examination requests are irreversible.
- Learn more about Credit By Exam.
Complete Form - +Degree Verification - Third Party
Degree Verification - Third Party - (Web Page)
Potential employers may obtain student degree verifications from the National Student Clearinghouse for a fee. Access the for additonal information on the services that can be provided.
The Office of the University Registrar will no longer be taking fax/email student degree verifications beginning March 1, 2025. They must be requested through National Student Clearinghouse.
- Learn more about degree verifications.
- +Dependent Head of Household Worksheet - 2024–2025
Dependent Head of Household Worksheet - 2024–2025 - (Dynamic Form)
If your FAFSA was selected for verification, you will be notified through email and/or your FlashLine account. We will let you know what forms must be submitted to our office. You need to submit a form only if it was requested.
The student will start this form and complete just information pertaining to them. It is then routed to the parent to complete their portion.
Read instructions carefully on the landing page of this form. Have required documentation ready to attach directly to the Dynamic form.
- Learn more about verification.
- +Dependent Head of Household Worksheet - 2025–2026
Dependent Head of Household Worksheet - 2025–2026 - (Dynamic Form)
Dependent Head of Household Worksheet - 2025–2026 - (Dynamic Form)
If your FAFSA was selected for verification, you will be notified through email and/or your FlashLine account. We will let you know what forms must be submitted to our office. You need to submit a form only if it was requested.
The student will start this form and complete just information pertaining to them. It is then routed to the parent to complete their portion.
Read instructions carefully on the landing page of this form. Have required documentation ready to attach directly to the Dynamic form.
- Learn more about verification.
- +Dependent Student Verification Worksheet - 2024–2025
Dependent Student Verification Worksheet - 2024–2025 - (Dynamic Form)
- Learn more about verification.
- +Dependent Student Verification Worksheet - 2025–2026
Dependent Student Verification Worksheet - 2025–2026 - (Dynamic Form)
- Learn more about verification.
- +Dependent Unsubsidized Verification Form - 2024–2025
Dependent Unsubsidized Verification Form - 2024–2025 - (Dynamic Form)
Students whose parents refuse to fill out the FAFSA on their behalf; or do not provide any financial support to the student, indicating the date the support ended, and will not provide any financial support to the student in the future may qualify for the Dependent Unsubsidized Loans only.
- The student may complete the Dependent Unsubsidized Verification Form below to determine eligibility for the Unsubsidized Loan only (no qualifications for state or federal grants/scholarships). If the parents refuse to sign and date the form to this effect, you must provide documentation from a professional third party (the student themselves is not sufficient) such as a teacher, counselor, cleric, court, or other professional.
- +Diploma Replacement
Diploma Replacement - (Web Page)
As a graduate, you can buy a replacement diploma for a lost or damaged one, or get duplicates for home or office. Replacement diplomas will have current university officer signatures and may differ from the original. Submit a Legal Name Change Request before ordering if needed. Order online through Parchment Exchange with a major credit card. Standard fee is $25 for non-expedited mailing. Expedited shipping is available for extra cost but doesn't speed up processing. Processing takes 7-10 business days. Diplomas won't be processed until payment is complete. No fax or email delivery. For inquiries, email For help with existing orders, visit the Parchment Help Center or contact support M-F, 8 a.m. -8 p.m. ET.
- Learn more about diploma replacement.
- +Disclosure of Directory Information
Disclosure of Directory Information - (FlashLine)
СƬƵ may share directory information upon individual request but doesn't provide student lists to non-affiliated agencies for solicitation. Unless you opt out, your name, email, phone, and major will appear in the student online Phone Directory in FlashLine. Directory info includes name, address, class standing, enrollment status, field of study, dates of attendance, participation in activities, and athletic team data.
To restrict directory information, complete the online form in under Student/ Resources/ Requests and Authorizations. Keep in mind that opting out will prevent your name from appearing in various university publications, including the Commencement Program and Dean's List.
- Learn more about disclosure of directory information and FERPA.
- +Document Submission Form - СƬƵ Email Addresses Only - 2024–2025
Document Submission Form - СƬƵ Email Addresses Only - 2024–2025 - (Dynamic Form)
Use this form to submit requested documents such as tax returns, W-2 Forms, and other documentation.
- Learn more about verification.
- +Document Submission Form - СƬƵ Email Addresses Only - 2025–2026
Document Submission Form - СƬƵ Email Addresses Only - 2025–2026 - (Dynamic Form)
Use this form to submit requested documents such as tax returns, W-2 Forms, and other documentation.
- Learn more about verification.
- +Document Submission Form - Non-СƬƵ Email Addresses Only - 2024–2025
Document Submission Form - Non-СƬƵ Email Addresses Only - 2024–2025 - (Dynamic Form)
Use this form to submit requested documents such as tax returns, W-2 Forms, and other documentation.
- Learn more about verification.
- +Document Submission Form - Non-СƬƵ Email Addresses Only - 2025–2026
Document Submission Form - Non-СƬƵ Email Addresses Only - 2025–2026 - (Dynamic Form)
Use this form to submit requested documents such as tax returns, W-2 Forms, and other documentation.
- Learn more about verification.
- +Education Abroad Letter of Financial Aid Request Form - 2024–2025
Education Abroad Letter of Financial Aid Request Form - 2024–2025 - (Dynamic Form)
This form is used for СƬƵ students to request a letter of financial aid for their visa applications as part of a KSU-affiliated study abroad program.
- Learn more about education abroad financial aid.
- +Education Abroad/Away Cost of Attendance Increase Application - 2024–2025
Education Abroad/Away Cost of Attendance Increase Application - 2024–2025 - (Dynamic Form)
If you will incur additional expenses as a result of your study abroad/away program and wish to be considered for a cost of education increase, please complete this form.
Study Abroad/Away programs eligible for this form include: Florence Semester and FSI, Kent Exchange Programs, Geneva Program, ISEP Exchange and Direct Enroll Programs, Internships, or short-term faculty-led programs that will incur additional costs such as transportation and/or room & board costs.
Students participating in the NYC Studio DO NOT need to complete this form. Students participating in NYC studio will need to complete the NYC Housing Addendum if they wish to have their Cost of Attendance reviewed.
- Learn more about education abroad financial aid.
- +Email Address and Personal Web Pages
Email Address and Personal Web Pages - (FlashLine)
All currently enrolled students are assigned a СƬƵ email account, which is the official University means of communication. Students are responsible for all information sent to them via their University assigned account. Please check your email often through FlashLine. Log into FlashLine, click on Settings and then access the Email Addresses / Personal Web Pages under the Secure Account Access Section to view and update email addresses and your personal web page. Click the edit icon, make changes to any Email Type then click Update.
- Learn more about updating your personal information.
- +Emergency Contact Information and FlashALERTS
Emergency Contact Information and FlashALERTS - (FlashLine)
By updating your Emergency Contact information, you are telling СƬƵ who we should contact in case you become ill or incapacitated. To update emergency contact information, log into FlashLine, click on Settings and then access the Emergency Contacts link under the Secure Account Access Section. Click the edit icon, make changes to any Emergency Contact then click Update.
СƬƵ's Flash ALERTS is the official emergency text notification system. It keeps students, faculty, and staff informed of critical information anytime, anywhere. You're automatically enrolled to receive urgent notifications across all campuses on your text-enabled mobile device. You can manage your Flash ALERTS by selecting the campus or campuses for which you would like to receive messages, under Opt-In Lists, and add or edit phone numbers to allow up to two additional individuals to receive messages under My Account.
- Learn more about updating your personal information.
- +Employer Tuition Reimbursement Agreement
Employer Tuition Reimbursement Agreement - (Dynamic Form)
The Employer Reimbursement Tuition Deferment form allows eligible students to defer tuition payments based on their employer's educational assistance policy. Students must adhere to payment deadlines and minimum deposit requirements.
- +End of Semester Learning Agreement - 2024–2025
End of Semester Learning Agreement - 2024–2025 - (PDF)
All study abroad students must submit this form within the last 30 days of the semester which they are studying abroad.
- Learn more about education abroad financial aid.
- +Enrollment Certification Release Form - Current Student
Enrollment Certification Release Form - Current Student - (Dynamic Form)
This form is for students requesting an information release letter of enrollment verification for loan deferments, insurance coverage or any other official of enrollment. You may need to attach any form that requires the University Seal or fields completed by СƬƵ.
This form is for current students.
- Learn more about Enrollment Certification.
- +Enrollment Certification Release Form - Non-Current Student
Enrollment Certification Release Form - Non-Current Student - (Dynamic Form)
This form is for students requesting an information release letter of enrollment verification for loan deferments, insurance coverage or any other official of enrollment. You may need to attach any form that requires the University Seal or fields completed by СƬƵ.
This form is for Non-Current students.
- Learn more about Enrollment Certification.
- +Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Release Form
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Release Form - (FlashLine)
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a Federal Law that protects the privacy of students education records, both financial and academic. For the student's protection, FERPA limits release of student record information without the student's explicit written consent; however it also gives the student's parent(s)/guardian(s) the right to review those records if the parent(s)/guardian(s) claim the student as a dependent on their Federal Income Tax Return. Access the Student Record Policy (FERPA) release forms on your Student / Resources / Requests and Authorizations Section in .
- Learn more about FERPA.
- +Federal Direct Graduate PLUS Loan Change Form - 2024–2025
Federal Direct Graduate PLUS Loan Change Form - 2024–2025 - (Dynamic Form)
You must use this form to submit any changes to the Federal Direct Graduate PLUS Loan amount or the semesters to which the funds should be applied.
- Learn more about loans.
- +Federal Direct Loan Change Request Form - Decrease - 2024–2025
Federal Direct Loan Change Request Form - Decrease - 2024–2025 - (Dynamic Form)
Complete the Decrease form if you want to reduce or cancel your Federal Direct Loan.
- Learn more about loans.
- +Federal Direct Loan Change Request Form - Decrease - 2025–2026
Federal Direct Loan Change Request Form - Decrease - 2025–2026 - (Dynamic Form)
Complete the Decrease form if you want to reduce or cancel your Federal Direct Loan.
- Learn more about loans.
- +Federal Direct Loan Change Request Form - Increase - 2024–2025
Federal Direct Loan Change Request Form - Increase - 2024–2025 - (Dynamic Form)
Complete the Increase form if you need to increase your Federal Direct Loan amount or if you declined Federal Direct Loan funds and now want to accept them.
- Learn more about loans.
- +Federal Direct Loan Change Request Form - Increase - 2025–2026
Federal Direct Loan Change Request Form - Increase - 2025–2026 - (Dynamic Form)
Complete the Increase form if you need to increase your Federal Direct Loan amount or if you declined Federal Direct Loan funds and now want to accept them.
- Learn more about loans.
- +Federal Direct Loan Late Disbursement Request Form - 2024–2025
Federal Direct Loan Late Disbursement Request Form - 2024–2025 - (Dynamic Form)
The Federal Direct Loan Late Disbursement Form is for requesting the disbursement of Federal Direct loans.
- Learn more about loans.
- +Federal Direct Parent PLUS Loan Appeal Form - СƬƵ Email Addresses Only - 2024–2025
Federal Direct Parent PLUS Loan Appeal Form - СƬƵ Email Addresses Only - 2024–2025 - (Dynamic Form)
If you have exceptional circumstances and were approved for a PLUS loan or are unable to apply due to your citizenship or bankruptcy status, you may complete a PLUS Loan Appeal Form.
- Learn more about loans.
- +Federal Direct Parent PLUS Loan Appeal Form - Non-СƬƵ Email Addresses Only - 2024–2025
Federal Direct Parent PLUS Loan Appeal Form - Non-СƬƵ Email Addresses Only - 2024–2025 - (Dynamic Form)
If you have exceptional circumstances and were approved for a PLUS loan or are unable to apply due to your citizenship or bankruptcy status, you may complete a PLUS Loan Appeal Form.
- Learn more about loans.
- +Federal Direct Parent PLUS Loan Change Form - СƬƵ Email Addresses Only - 2024–2025
Federal Direct Parent PLUS Loan Change Form - СƬƵ Email Addresses Only - 2024–2025 - (Dynamic Form)
The Parent PLUS Loan Change Form is provided for parents who are requesting a change to their Parent PLUS loan that has already been awarded to the student’s СƬƵ account.
- Learn more about loans.
- +Federal Direct Parent PLUS Loan Change Form - Non-СƬƵ Email Addresses Only - 2024–2025
Federal Direct Parent PLUS Loan Change Form - Non-СƬƵ Email Addresses Only - 2024–2025 - (Dynamic Form)
The Parent PLUS Loan Change Form is provided for parents who are requesting a change to their Parent PLUS loan that has already been awarded to the student’s СƬƵ account.
- Learn more about loans.
- +Federal Nursing Student Loan Request Form - 2024–2025
Federal Nursing Student Loan Request Form - 2024–2025 - (Dynamic Form)
This form is for students enrolled in eligible nursing programs at Kent, Ashtabula, East Liverpool, Stark or Tuscarawas campuses. Complete this form if you want to be considered for Nursing Loan funds in Fall and/or Spring. Once you submit the form, it will be reviewed by the financial aid office for eligibility.
- Learn more about loans.
- +Forever Buckeye Form
Forever Buckeye Form - (PDF)
If you graduated from an Ohio high school or completed home instruction here, you qualify for in-state tuition if you enroll in an Ohio institution, have permanent U.S. residency, and establish Ohio domicile upon enrollment. Complete the Forever Buckeye form and submit your Ohio high school transcript or equivalent, along with proof of current Ohio residency. Non-U.S. citizens must provide immigration or visa status documents.
This provision is for students who left the state of Ohio and have returned to re-establish Ohio residency.
- Learn more about Ohio residency status.
Complete Form - +Graduate Permission for Undergraduate Courses - 2024–2025
Graduate Permission for Undergraduate Courses - 2024–2025 - (PDF)
This form is for СƬƵ graduate students who register for undergraduate courses that apply to their graduate degree.
- Learn more about loans.
- +Graduate Permission for Undergraduate Courses - 2025–2026
Graduate Permission for Undergraduate Courses - 2025–2026 - (PDF)
This form is for СƬƵ graduate students who register for undergraduate courses that apply to their graduate degree.
- Learn more about loans.
Complete Form - +Graduation Application
Graduation Application - (FlashLine)
Students applying for graduation should complete the online graduation application available through FlashLine by published deadlines. The online graduation application is used for all degree and certificate programs.
To access the online graduation application:
- Log into , then click on the Student / Resources / Graduation.
- Review and acknowledge the Important Information Concerning Your Graduation Application page.
- Select and submit your curriculum.
- Select and submit your graduation term.
- Review your information for accuracy and submit your request.
- Print the Graduation Application Acknowledgment page for your records.
- View submitted graduation applications by clicking on the link at the bottom of your acknowledgment page or from the link on the Student Category/Resources Page/Graduation Section.
- Once the information has been submitted, it will be reviewed and acted on appropriately by your college or Regional Campus office.
Any questions about applying for graduation should be referred to your advisor/advising office.- Learn more about graduation deadlines.
- +High School Diploma/GED Verification Worksheet - 2024–2025
High School Diploma/GED Verification Worksheet - 2024–2025 - (PDF)
Only complete this form if requested. It is only for students that did not report on their 2024-2025 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) that they received a high school diploma or the equivalent.
After completing this form, submit it to the Financial, Billing and Enrollment Center or your Regional Campus student services area.
- Learn more about verification.
- +High School Diploma/GED Verification Worksheet - 2025–2026
High School Diploma/GED Verification Worksheet - 2025–2026 - (PDF)
Only complete this form if requested. It is only for students that did not report on their 2025-2026 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) that they received a high school diploma or the equivalent.
After completing this form, submit it to the Financial, Billing and Enrollment Center or your Regional Campus student services area.
- Learn more about verification.
Complete Form - +Independent Head of Household Worksheet - 2024–2025
Independent Head of Household Worksheet - 2024–2025 - (Dynamic Form)
Only complete this form if you have been selected for verification AND have been instructed by email or your FlashLine account to complete this form.
- Learn more about verification.
- +Independent Head of Household Worksheet - 2025–2026
Independent Head of Household Worksheet - 2025–2026 - (Dynamic Form)
Only complete this form if you have been selected for verification AND have been instructed by email or your FlashLine account to complete this form.
- Learn more about verification.
- +Independent Student Verification Worksheet - 2025–2026
Independent Student Verification Worksheet - 2025–2026 - (Dynamic Form)
Use this form if you included parent information on the FAFSA. The student will start this form and complete just information pertaining to them. It is then routed to the parent to complete their portion.
- Learn more about verification.
- +Independent Student Verification Worksheet - 2024–2025
Independent Student Verification Worksheet - 2024–2025 - (Dynamic Form)
Use this form if you included parent information on the FAFSA. The student will start this form and complete just information pertaining to them. It is then routed to the parent to complete their portion.
- Learn more about verification.
- +IRS Non-Filing Statement Form - СƬƵ Email Addresses Only - 2025–2026
IRS Non-Filing Statement Form - СƬƵ Email Addresses Only - 2025–2026 - (Dynamic Form)
Use this form if you were required to submit an IRS Verification of Non- Filing Letter, but have not received it after 10 business days.
- Learn more about verification.
- +IRS Non-Filing Statement Form - СƬƵ Email Addresses Only - 2024–2025
IRS Non-Filing Statement Form - СƬƵ Email Addresses Only - 2024–2025 - (Dynamic Form)
Use this form if you were required to submit an IRS Verification of Non- Filing Letter, but have not received it after 10 business days.
- Learn more about verification.
- +IRS Non-Filing Statement Form - Non-СƬƵ Email Addresses Only - 2024–2025
IRS Non-Filing Statement Form - Non-СƬƵ Email Addresses Only - 2024–2025 - (Dynamic Form)
Use this form if you were required to submit an IRS Verification of Non- Filing Letter, but have not received it after 10 business days.
- Learn more about verification.
- +IRS Non-Filing Statement Form- Non-СƬƵ Email Addresses Only - 2025–2026
IRS Non-Filing Statement Form- Non-СƬƵ Email Addresses Only - 2025–2026 - (Dynamic Form)
Use this form if you were required to submit an IRS Verification of Non- Filing Letter, but have not received it after 10 business days.
- Learn more about verification.
- +Kent Campus Federal Work Study Request Form - Fall/Spring - 2024–2025
Kent Campus Federal Work Study Request Form - Fall/Spring - 2024–2025 - (Dynamic Form)
This form is for both current students and new Kent campus freshmen starting in fall 2024. Please note, federal work study funding is limited each year. You must FIRST complete a 2024-2025 FAFSA form at .
Do not complete this Kent Campus Federal Work Study Request form if you have not yet completed a 2024-2025 FAFSA.
- Learn more about Federal Work Study.
- +Late Graduation Application
Late Graduation Application - (PDF)
Complete this application if you missed the graduation application deadline.
Log into FlashLine, then click on the Student category, Resources, and access the Late and Reapplication for Graduation Form in the Graduation Section.
If you plan to graduate from more than one program, and from more than one college/campus, you must submit an application to each college or regional campus office.
- Learn more about graduation deadlines.
Complete Form - +Late Registration
Late Registration - (FlashLine)
Students will use the online Late Registration Request when attempting to add to their class schedule during the 80% drop window.
Please view the instructions in the more information link below on how to complete the late registration request.
Special Considerations
- This request form cannot be used for Open Learning courses.
- This request form cannot be used by Guest Students; guest students should complete a Registration Exception Form.
- To learn more about your registration deadlines, access the Detailed Class Search from the .
- After locating the course, click on the "Registration Deadlines" link to determine course specific dates
- Learn more about class registration.
- +Legal Name Change Request - Current Student
Legal Name Change Request - Current Student - (Dynamic Form)
Documentation is needed for name changes (except if changing middle name to middle initial). A Driver's License is not an acceptable form of documentation.
Legal documentation such as a court order, marriage license, birth certificate, Social Security card, valid U.S. passport, or an adoption order must be submitted in order to complete this request.
This is for Current students.
- Learn more about updating your personal information.
- +Legal Name Change Request - Non-Current Student
Legal Name Change Request - Non-Current Student - (Dynamic Form)
Documentation is needed for name changes (except if changing middle name to middle initial). A Driver's License is not an acceptable form of documentation.
Legal documentation such as a court order, marriage license, birth certificate, Social Security card, valid U.S. passport, or an adoption order must be submitted in order to complete this request.
This is for Non-Current students.
- Learn more about updating your personal information.
- +Legal Sex Change Request
Legal Sex Change Request - (Email)
Documentation is required to update/change legal sex with the university. Acceptable forms of documentation include:
- A copy of the Declaration of Gender Change Form that would be submitted to the BMV (Ohio)
- The Registrar’s Office can also accept any form of medical documentation from a physician, therapist, psychologist, psychiatrist etc. showing the student is under their care.Must be submitted to
- Learn more about updating your personal information.
Complete Form - +Letter of Recommendation - Current Student
Letter of Recommendation - Current Student - (FlashLine)
Complete this release form to authorize a СƬƵ employee access to your education record or other documentation you provide (e.g., resume, curriculum vitae, transcript etc.) for the purpose of constructing a recommendation. This form is not a request to provide a recommendation, but permission to use the content of these records. Each employee should be individually contacted to provide a reference.
Access the release on the Student tab under the Requests and Authorizations section in FlashLine.
This is for Current students.
- Learn more about requesting a letter of recommendation.
- +Letter of Recommendation - Non-Current Student
Letter of Recommendation - Non-Current Student - (PDF)
Complete this release form to authorize a СƬƵ employee access to your education record or other documentation you provide (e.g., resume, curriculum vitae, transcript etc.) for the purpose of constructing a recommendation. This form is not a request to provide a recommendation, but permission to use the content of these records. Each employee should be individually contacted to provide a reference.
This is for Non-Current students.
- Learn more about requesting a letter of recommendation.
- +Maximum Time Frame Form - 2024–2025
Maximum Time Frame Form - 2024–2025 - (Dynamic Form)
Submit this form if you were cited for Maximum Time Frame. You must also submit a Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeals form to be considered for student aid that requires Satisfactory Academic Progress.
The Maximum Time Frame form must be signed by an academic advisor to be considered complete (through Dynamic Forms). When completing the Maximum Time Frame form, you will need to submit your academic advisor’s name and email. Your advisor will make updates to the form as needed and it will be sent back to your email. Once your academic or faculty advisor has completed, signed and submitted your form, it will automatically be sent to your campus for processing and you will receive a confirmation email.
- Learn more about Maximum Time Frame.
- +New York City Housing Addendum Form - 2024–2025
New York City Housing Addendum Form - 2024–2025 - (Dynamic Form)
If you are interested in taking additional financial aid to help with your NYC Housing costs, please complete this form. To provide the most accurate figures for financial aid calculations, you are required to submit information regarding your housing costs. Please submit supporting documentation (lease agreement, Airbnb costs, etc.) along with this completed form.
- Learn more about education abroad financial aid.
- +One-Time Late Non-Payment Fee Removal Request
One-Time Late Non-Payment Fee Removal Request - (Dynamic Form)
This application allows qualifying students to request one removal of a late non-payment fee.
- +Parent PLUS Late Disbursement Form
Parent PLUS Late Disbursement Form - (Dynamic Form)
Use this form to request disbursement of a Federal Direct Parent PLUS Loan after the student is no longer enrolled.
- Learn more about loans.
- +Pass, Fail or Audit Grade Request Form - Current Student
Pass, Fail or Audit Grade Request Form - Current Student - (Dynamic Form)
Undergraduate students may elect to take certain courses on a pass/fail basis or to audit a course. Students considering one of these options should be aware that some institutions of higher education do not accept transfer credit taken as pass/fail or audit. Students electing to take courses under the pass/fail or audit options should consult their advisor for specific instructions, limitations, and registration procedures.
The last day to select the pass/fail or audit grading options vary by semester and course coinciding with the last day to add the course. Students may determine the last day to add the course by clicking on the CRN links on their Student Printable Schedule in FlashLine or by accessing the Detailed Class Search from the Schedule of Classes. After locating the course, click on the “Registration Deadlines” link to determine the course specific dates.
This form is for Current students.
- Learn more about pass-fail and audit grade options.
- +Personal Statement for Undergraduate Reinstatement
Personal Statement for Undergraduate Reinstatement - (PDF)
This form coincides with the Request for Undergraduate Reinstatement. If you answered “yes” to the question “Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offense or have charges pending against you at this time, other than a minor traffic violation?” on your Application for Reinstatement, you must submit this form to determine your eligibility at СƬƵ.
- Learn more about undergraduate reinstatement.
Complete Form - +Private Loan Change Form - 2024–2025
Private Loan Change Form - 2024–2025 - (Dynamic Form)
This form is provided for students who are requesting a change on the original request of the private loan requested with the lender in which they are borrowing. The eligibility for a loan to be canceled or reduced depends on the timing of the request. We cannot guarantee that a loan can be reduced or canceled upon request.
- Learn more about loans.
- +Program of Study Form - For Post Undergraduate Students - 2024–2025
Program of Study Form - For Post Undergraduate Students - 2024–2025 - (Dynamic Form)
If you have earned a bachelor’s degree and are not in graduate school, you are considered a post undergraduate student. Post undergraduates and graduate non-degree students must complete the FAFSA and submit and complete the Program of Study form (located on our forms page). This form must be completed for each semester and signed electronically by an academic advisor verifying the required coursework and program. Students must be registered for courses and admitted to their academic program before completing the form.
- Learn more about being a post undergraduate student.
- +Registration Exception Form - Current Student - Course Section Changes
Registration Exception Form - Current Student - Course Section Changes - (Dynamic Form)
Students will use the Registration Exception Form – Course Section Changes when requesting registration/schedule adjustment transactions to their class schedule after published University deadlines for the class(es).
Requests that can be made with this form:- Course section changes - The same course but different section of the course (Ex. English 11011- section 001 to English 11011 Section 704).
- Level changes – Undergraduate level to Graduate level or vice versus (Ex. Graduate student accidently registered for the UG level of a course instead of the GR level of the course).
- Approved credit hour change for variable credit hour courses.
This form is for Current students.
- Learn more about the Registration Exception Form.
- +Registration Exception Form - Current Student - Late Add or Re-Add
Registration Exception Form - Current Student - Late Add or Re-Add - (Dynamic Form)
Students will use the Registration Exception Form – Late Add/ Re-add Registration Form when requesting registration/schedule adjustment transactions to their class schedule after published University deadlines for the class(es).
- Adding a course late after week two of the term
- Re-adding of a course that was accidentally dropped by the student or appropriately withdrawn due to the Bursar cancellation process
- In rare cases of extenuating circumstances adding a course to a prior term
Payment may be required before adding a course late. The student will be informed after the review of the Registration Exception form.
Please be aware that if a student has a hold, the hold must be resolved before a course can be added late. Students will receive an email regarding any additional steps or processes related to adding a course beyond university deadlines.
This form is for Current students.
- Learn more about the Registration Exception Form.
- +Registration Exception Form - Current Student - Late Withdraw
Registration Exception Form - Current Student - Late Withdraw - (Dynamic Form)
Students will use the Registration Exception Form – Late Withdraw when requesting registration/schedule adjustment transactions to their class schedule after published University deadlines for the class(es).
- Late course withdrawal due to documented extenuating circumstances. Late withdrawals are not backdated.
This form is for Current students.
- Learn more about the Registration Exception Form.
- +Registration Exception Form - Current Student - Military Call-Up
Registration Exception Form - Current Student - Military Call-Up - (Dynamic Form)
Students who are involuntarily called to active duty may submit a Registration Exception Form - Military Call-Up . Students must submit a copy of their military orders with the petition. Please review additional information on Military Call-Up guidelines and reenrollment. For additional questions or status update email
This form is for Current students.
- Learn more about the Registration Exception Form.
- +Registration Exception Form - Current Student - NF Current Term
Registration Exception Form - Current Student - NF Current Term - (Dynamic Form)
Students may be eligible to submit a Registration Exception Form - Late Drop (no 'W' on the academic record) that includes a tuition credit approval. This request is only for current term courses that have a final grade of NF. THIS FORM CAN ONLY BE USED TO REQUEST A LATE DROP. A “drop” is when a course is dropped from the student’s schedule during the 100% or 80% tuition credit periods. There is no W, “Withdrawal”, on the academic record. A “drop” is different from a “withdrawal”. A withdrawal is when a course is withdrawn after the 2nd week of the term or equivalent and a W is posted on the official transcript.
This form is for Current students.
- Learn more about the Registration Exception Form.
- +Registration Exception Form - Current Student - NF Prior Term
Registration Exception Form - Current Student - NF Prior Term - (Dynamic Form)
This application is to be completed if you wish to be officially withdrawn from a PRIOR TERM class(es) that is currently graded as NF (Never Attended - F). If the application is approved, you will be officially withdrawn resulting in a 'W' on the official academic record and a corresponding tuition credit for the particular course(s). Please note a tuition credit may not result in a credit on your student account. The instructor(s) of record must provide verification that the student never attended and never submitted any coursework by sending an email to The Office of the University Registrar will not consider requests regarding a term, prior to Fall 2008.
This form is for Current students.
- Learn more about the Registration Exception Form.
- +Registration Exception Form - Non-Current Student - Course Section Changes
Registration Exception Form - Non-Current Student - Course Section Changes - (Dynamic Form)
Students will use the Registration Exception Form – Course Section Changes when requesting registration/schedule adjustment transactions to their class schedule after published University deadlines for the class(es).
Requests that can be made with this form:- Course section changes - The same course but different section of the course (Ex. English 11011- section 001 to English 11011 Section 704).
- Level changes – Undergraduate level to Graduate level or vice versus (Ex. Graduate student accidently registered for the UG level of a course instead of the GR level of the course).
- Approved credit hour change for variable credit hour courses.
This form is for Non-Current students.
- Learn more about the Registration Exception Form.
- +Registration Exception Form - Non-Current Student - Late Add or Re-Add
Registration Exception Form - Non-Current Student - Late Add or Re-Add - (Dynamic Form)
Students will use the Registration Exception Form – Late Add/ Re-add Registration Form when requesting registration/schedule adjustment transactions to their class schedule after published University deadlines for the class(es).
- Adding a course late after week two of the term
- Re-adding of a course that was accidentally dropped by the student or appropriately withdrawn due to the Bursar cancellation process
- In rare cases of extenuating circumstances adding a course to a prior term
Payment may be required before adding a course late. The student will be informed after the review of the Registration Exception form.
Please be aware that if a student has a hold, the hold must be resolved before a course can be added late. Students will receive an email regarding any additional steps or processes related to adding a course beyond university deadlines.
This form is for Non-Current students.
- Learn more about the Registration Exception Form.
- +Registration Exception Form - Non-Current Student - Late Withdraw
Registration Exception Form - Non-Current Student - Late Withdraw - (Dynamic Form)
Students will use the Registration Exception Form – Late Withdraw when requesting registration/schedule adjustment transactions to their class schedule after published University deadlines for the class(es).
- Late course withdrawal due to documented extenuating circumstances. Late withdrawals are not backdated.
This form is for Non-Current students.
- Learn more about the Registration Exception Form.
- +Registration Exception Form - Non-Current Student - Military Call-Up
Registration Exception Form - Non-Current Student - Military Call-Up - (Dynamic Form)
Students who are involuntarily called to active duty may submit a Registration Exception Form - Military Call-Up . Students must submit a copy of their military orders with the petition. Please review additional information on Military Call-Up guidelines and reenrollment. For additional questions or status update email
This form is for Non-Current students.
- Learn more about the Registration Exception Form.
- +Registration Exception Form - Non-Current Student - NF Prior Term
Registration Exception Form - Non-Current Student - NF Prior Term - (Dynamic Form)
This application is to be completed if you wish to be officially withdrawn from a PRIOR TERM class(es) that is currently graded as NF (Never Attended - F). If the application is approved, you will be officially withdrawn resulting in a 'W' on the official academic record and a corresponding tuition credit for the particular course(s). Please note a tuition credit may not result in a credit on your student account. The instructor(s) of record must provide verification that the student never attended and never submitted any coursework by sending an email to The Office of the University Registrar will not consider requests regarding a term, prior to Fall 2008.
This form is for Non-Current students.
- Learn more about the Registration Exception Form.
- +Release of Records of Deceased Students
Release of Records of Deceased Students - (Dynamic Form)
The Office of the University Registrar will evaluate each request for the release of a transcript or other academic records of a deceased student. They university reserves the right to deny the request in whole or in part. The Office of the University Registrar does not release academic records of decease students to the news media. All media requests are to be submitted to Media Relations at
- +Request for FlashCash
Request for FlashCash - (Dynamic Form)
This application is to request FlashCash. FlashCash will allow you to make purchases both on and off campus wherever the FLASHcard is accepted. Students may request FlashCash two weeks prior to the start of the term/session in which they are enrolled. Please allow 2 business days to process your request.
- +Request for Resident Classification for Tuition Purposes Form
Request for Resident Classification for Tuition Purposes Form - (Dynamic Form)
Students wishing to apply for a change in residency status for tuition purposes must complete and submit a Request for Resident Classification for Tuition Purposes form, along with supporting documentation. Students should email these materials to
- Learn more about residency status.
- +Request for Undergraduate Reinstatement
Request for Undergraduate Reinstatement - (PDF)
This application is used by students who were dismissed at least twelve months prior and would like to return as an undergraduate student. Students can begin planning for reinstatement by reviewing the Reinstatement Policy in the . Contact your college or campus advising office if you have any questions regarding the undergraduate reinstatement process.
If you answered “yes” to the question “Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offense or have charges pending against you at this time, other than a minor traffic violation?” on this form, you must also submit a Personal Statement for Undergraduate Reinstatement.
- Learn more about undergraduate reinstatement.
Complete Form - +Request to Cancel Aid Form - 2024–2025
Request to Cancel Aid Form - 2024–2025 - (Dynamic Form)
This form is to be completed for cancellation of aid for an upcoming semester.
- +Rescind Authorization of TIV
Rescind Authorization of TIV - (PDF)
This form is to notify the University that your Title IV Financial Aid can not be used to cover non-institutional charges for current and/or prior financial aid award years. Non- institutional charges include but are not limited to parking permits, service fees, and fines. Once the rescindment is in effect you will be responsible to pay these charges.
Complete Form - +Retroactive Credit Application - Current Student
Retroactive Credit Application - Current Student - (Dynamic Form)
Undergraduate students currently enrolled in a degree or certificate program who are placed into an advanced course through assessment or departmental review may earn retroactive credit for designated lower level course(s) in that subject. The advanced courses approved for earning retroactive credits are listed below. A $25.00 per credit hour fee is charged for processing and posting of the credit on the student's transcript.
View a list of current Retroactive Credit Courses.
- Learn more about retroactive credit.
- +Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal Form - 2024–2025
Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal Form - 2024–2025 - (Dynamic Form)
Submit this form if extenuating circumstances contributed to the student not meeting the SAP Policy and you wish to appeal for federal financial aid.
- Learn more about Satisfactory Academic Progress.
- +Scholarship Appeal Form - Fall/Spring - 2024–2025
Scholarship Appeal Form - Fall/Spring - 2024–2025 - (Dynamic Form)
You may submit a scholarship appeal if you have extenuating circumstances as to why you did not meet your Kent Campus scholarship renewal criteria. Extenuating circumstances include, but are not limited to, medical, personal or family emergencies.
It is encouraged for students to provide documentation which supports their scholarship statement. Please have your supporting documentation ready to upload prior to beginning the appeal process.
- Report an outside scholarship, grant or other resource
- Student Financial Aid Scholarship Application
- Scholarship Appeal Forms
- Learn more about scholarship appeals.
- +Scholarship Thank You Letter
Scholarship Thank You Letter - (Web Page)
The Scholarship Thank You Letter form is available for you to complete to express your appreciation to your donor. This form will be sent to the donor with your information and your note of gratitude. Both incoming (new to СƬƵ) and returning students should complete the Thank You Letter upon receiving a scholarship.
Steps to Complete the Scholarship Thank You Letter
- Log into ScholarshipUniverse
- Click on Awards
- Under the Outstanding tab, locate the appropriate scholarship
- Click the Pencil Icon under 'Take Action' column
- Accept Award
- Complete the Thank you letter online form
- +Selective Service Registration Statement - Current Student
Selective Service Registration Statement - Current Student - (Dynamic Form)
All Ohio resident male students between the ages of 18 and 26, not registered with Selective Service, must file a Selective Service Registration Statement. If you have not already registered with Selective Service, you will be contacted regarding your non-compliant status. Failure to comply will result in the assessment of nonresident tuition fees to your account and the cancellation of all state based financial aid. If you have further questions, review the СƬƵ selective service website or email
- Learn more about Selective Service.
- +Short Term Loan Application
Short Term Loan Application - (PDF)
Applications are accepted two weeks prior to the start and thirty days prior to the end of the term you are enrolled. The original signed application must be submitted to the Financial, Billing and Enrollment Center via the Submit Documents link, or submitted IN PERSON to the Financial, Billing and Enrollment Center, for final approval. Please read the Terms and Requirements section for criteria and limitations. Please allow 2 business days to process your request.
- Learn more about loans.
Complete Form - +Special Circumstances
Special Circumstances - (Web Page)
Applications are now available for the 2024-2025 academic year (Summer 2024, Fall 2024, Spring 2025) and 2025-2026 academic year (Summer 2025, Fall 2025, Spring 2026). If you have a special circumstance for the current year, please contact your regional campus or the Financial, Billing and Enrollment Center.
- Before completing an application, all students are encouraged to learn more about special circumstances.
- +Start of Semester Learning Agreement - 2024–2025
Start of Semester Learning Agreement - 2024–2025 - (PDF)
Study abroad students must complete this form at the start of the semester (with the first 15 days of classes).
- Learn more about education abroad financial aid.
- +Statement of Educational Purpose - 2024–2025
Statement of Educational Purpose - 2024–2025 - (PDF)
Per the Department of Education, a student that needs to complete this form, MUST appear in person at the СƬƵ Financial, Billing and Enrollment Center or a Regional Campus student services area to verify their identity by presenting an unexpired valid government-issued photo identification (ID) such as, but not limited to, a driver's license, other state-issued ID, or passport. The student must also sign the form in the presence of the institutional official.
- Learn more about verification.
Complete Form - +Statement of Educational Purpose - 2025–2026
Statement of Educational Purpose - 2025–2026 - (PDF)
Per the Department of Education, a student that needs to complete this form, MUST appear in person at the СƬƵ Financial, Billing and Enrollment Center or a Regional Campus student services area to verify their identity by presenting an unexpired valid government-issued photo identification (ID) such as, but not limited to, a driver's license, other state-issued ID, or passport. The student must also sign the form in the presence of the institutional official.
- Learn more about verification.
Complete Form - +Statement of Educational Purpose - Notarized Version - 2024–2025
Statement of Educational Purpose - Notarized Version - 2024–2025 - (PDF)
If the student is unable to appear in person at СƬƵ to verify their identity, they MUST use the Notarized Version of the form below and sign the form in the Presence of a Notary.
- Learn more about verification.
Complete Form - +Statement of Educational Purpose - Notarized Version - 2025–2026
Statement of Educational Purpose - Notarized Version - 2025–2026 - (PDF)
If the student is unable to appear in person at СƬƵ to verify their identity, they MUST use the Notarized Version of the form below and sign the form in the Presence of a Notary.
- Learn more about verification.
Complete Form - +Stop Payment Form
Stop Payment Form - (PDF)
This form is to request a stop payment on a check issued by СƬƵ's Bursar office. This form is not for checks issued by BankMobile. Please contact for stop payment information.
Complete Form - +Student Identification Information Request
Student Identification Information Request - (Dynamic Form)
This form is to update your social security number (SSN) or individual taxpayer identification number (ITIN) in our system for the creating/processing of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) 1098-T form.
- +Third Party Form - 2024–2025
Third Party Form - 2024–2025 - (PDF)
If you are a degree-seeking student at СƬƵ and you plan to enroll directly in a university abroad outside of СƬƵ’s partner programs during the fall, spring, or summer semester, and wish to obtain aid, you must complete a Consortium Agreement in order to receive your financial aid.
- Learn more about the Ad Hoc Consortium Agreement.
- +Total and Permanent Disability Discharge Form - 2024–2025
Total and Permanent Disability Discharge Form - 2024–2025 - (PDF)
Only submit this form IF you have previously completed the Total and Permanent Disability Discharge (TPDD) process with the Department of Education AND you want to borrow new federal loans or a TEACH grant. You may be subject to a post-discharge monitoring period. Additional information can be found at .
- Learn more about loans.
- +Total and Permanent Disability Discharge Form - 2025–2026
Total and Permanent Disability Discharge Form - 2025–2026 - (PDF)
Only submit this form IF you have previously completed the Total and Permanent Disability Discharge (TPDD) process with the Department of Education AND you want to borrow new federal loans or a TEACH grant. You may be subject to a post-discharge monitoring period. Additional information can be found at .
- Learn more about loans.
Complete Form - +Transcript Request - Official
Transcript Request - Official - (Web Page)
Official transcripts can be requested through Parchment by current students, former students, or a 3rd party ordering ordering on behalf of a student. An electronic or paper transcript can be requested.
Current students only can access Parchment through FlashLine, then click on the Student category, Resources, and access Request Official Transcript in the Grades and Transcripts Section.
- Learn more about transcript requests.
- +Transcript Request - Unofficial - Current Student
Transcript Request - Unofficial - Current Student - (FlashLine)
Only current students can view an unofficial version of their transcripts.
Log into FlashLine, then click on the Student category, Resources, and access View Unofficial Transcript in the Grades and Transcripts Section.
- Learn more about transcript requests.
- +Transfer Course Planning Form
Transfer Course Planning Form - (PDF)
This form is used for student-advisor meetings to plan courses at another institution for transfer back to СƬƵ.
- Learn more about transfer credit.
- +Transfer Credit Inquiry Form
Transfer Credit Inquiry Form - (Web Page)
Do you have questions about transferring credits/courses to СƬƵ? Complete this form to request additional information.
- Learn more about transferring your college credit.
Complete Form - +Tuition Refund Appeal Application
Tuition Refund Appeal Application - (Dynamic Form)
Tuition refund appeals can be submitted for non-attendance/participation or enrollment/attendance at another institution. Applications must include official verification and are reviewed monthly.
Complete Form - +Uneven Loan Disbursement Form - 2025–2026
Uneven Loan Disbursement Form - 2025–2026 - (Dynamic Form)
This form is for students who need their Federal Direct Stafford Loans to be disbursed in an uneven manner across terms. For example, many graduate students have a stipend or assistantship that covers fall and spring tuition so, they may use this form to request a Summer Only direct loan.
- Learn more about loans.
- +Uneven Loan Disbursement Form - 2024–2025
Uneven Loan Disbursement Form - 2024–2025 - (Dynamic Form)
This form is for students who need their Federal Direct Stafford Loans to be disbursed in an uneven manner across terms. For example, many graduate students have a stipend or assistantship that covers fall and spring tuition so, they may use this form to request a Summer Only direct loan.
- Learn more about loans.
- +Unusual Circumstances - 2025–2026
Unusual Circumstances - 2025–2026 - (Web Page)
For students who:
- Have Legal Custodians other than their parents and have Court Documentation or,
- Students who have a unique situation (e.g., human trafficking, refugee or asylee status, parental abandonment, incarceration, both parents deceased)
Please contact the Financial, Billing and Enrollment Center or your Regional Campus to discuss your next step options.