First Year Transition Programs

The E. Timothy Moore Student Multicultural Center provides three programs for incoming students of color.

Summer Bridge Program: Academic S.T.A.R.S.

Orientation, Transition and Mentor Program: Kupita/Transiciones (K/T)

Multicultural Living Learning Community


Learn more about these programs during our SMC Info Session. We will provide free breakfast, lunch, and giveaways! 

Saturday, October 8, 2022 


Register using the link provided to you in your kent.edu email. Contact your admissions counselor with any questions (330) 672-2444


Academic S.T.A.R.S.

This program is a free, residential 7-week summer cultural program for incoming students of color.

Learn more about Academic STARS

Kupita/Transiciones (K/T)

This free cultural orientation, transition, and mentor program is provided to incoming and transfer students of color.

Learn more about Kupita/Transiciones